
RCS was designed to be deployed in a load balanced environment. The following steps can be used to setup CouchDB for master-master replication if it is deployed on systems which follow the same partitioning as the load balancer.

The notes are relatively straightforward, but only cover simple network architectures where a few servers are connected over local links.

Replication Setup

All replication in CouchDB is unidirectional from the source to the target. There seems to be a common convention of setting a remote as the source and local as the target. CouchDB uses a special database named _replicator for keeping replications; setting up a replication involves sending a PUT request to /_replicator/<replication_id>. Replication IDs can be any short string and RCS will use the convention rep_serverX_rcs.

The payload for the replication request is:


Please make the necessary updates to the source URL (it is in the form <user>:<password>@<server ip or name>:<port>/<database name>).

If curl is available on your system you can copy and paste the following.

curl -X PUT http://admin:admin@localhost:5984/_replicator/rep_server4_rcs -d '{ "source":"http://rcs:rcs@serverX:5984/rcs_cache", "target":"rcs_cache", "continuous":true, "create_target":false, "user_ctx":{"name":"rcs", "roles":["rcs"]} }'

The following bash script can be used to setup a 4 node replication.

REPLICATION="2 3 4"   # do not include the current server in the replication

curl $HOST #just a test
for i in $REPLICATION; do
    curl -X PUT $HOST/_replicator/rep_server$i_rcs -d "'{ \"source\":\"${!SRV}\", \"target\":\"rcs_cache\", \"continuous\":true, \"create_target\":false, \"user_ctx\":{\"name\":\"rcs\", \"roles\":[\"rcs\"]} }'"