let proj4 = require('proj4');
proj4 = proj4.default ? proj4.default : proj4;
const terraformer = require('terraformer');
const teraProj = require('terraformer-proj4js');
* Reproject a GeoJSON object in place. This is a wrapper around terraformer-proj4js.
* @param {Object} geojson the GeoJSON to be reprojected, this will be modified in place
* @param {String|Number} outputSpatialReference the target spatial reference,
* 'EPSG:4326' is used by default; if a number is suppied it will be used as an EPSG code
* @param {String|Number} inputSpatialReference same rules as outputSpatialReference if suppied
* if missing it will attempt to find it encoded in the GeoJSON
function projectGeojson(geojson, outputSpatialReference, inputSpatialReference) {
const converter = teraProj(terraformer, proj4);
converter(geojson, outputSpatialReference, inputSpatialReference);
* Convert a projection to an string that is compatible with proj4. If it is an ESRI SpatialReference or an integer it will be converted.
* @param {Object|Integer|String} proj an ESRI SpatialReference, integer or string. Strings will be unchanged and unchecked,
* ints and SpatialReference objects will be converted.
* @return {String} A string in the form EPSG:####
* @private
function normalizeProj(proj) {
if (typeof proj === 'object') {
if (proj.wkid) {
return 'EPSG:' + proj.wkid;
} else if (proj.wkt) {
return proj.wkt;
} else if (typeof proj === 'number') {
return 'EPSG:' + proj;
} else if (typeof proj === 'string') {
return proj;
throw new Error('Bad argument type, please provide a string, integer or SpatialReference object.');
* Project a single point.
* @param {Object|Integer|String} srcProj the spatial reference of the point (as ESRI SpatialReference, integer WKID or an EPSG string)
* @param {Object|Integer|String} destProj the spatial reference of the result (as ESRI SpatialReference, integer WKID or an EPSG string)
* @param {Array|Object} point a 2d array or object with {x,y} props containing the coordinates to Reproject
* @return {Array|Object} a 2d array or object containing the projected point
function localProjectPoint(srcProj, destProj, point) {
return proj4(normalizeProj(srcProj), normalizeProj(destProj), point);
* Project a single point.
* @param {Object|Integer|String} destProj the spatial reference of the result (as ESRI SpatialReference, integer WKID or an EPSG string)
* @param {Object} geometry an object conforming to ESRI Geometry object standards containing the coordinates to Reproject
* @return {Object} an object conforming to ESRI Geomtery object standards containing the input geometry in the destination projection
function localProjectGeometryBuilder(esriBundle) {
return (destProj, geometry) => {
// HACK >:'(
// terraformer has this undesired behavior where, if your input geometry is in WKID 102100, it will magically
// project all your co-ordinates to lat/long when converting between ESRI and GeoJSON formats.
// to stop it from ruining us, we temporarily set the spatial reference to nonsense so it will leave it alone
const realSR = geometry.spatialReference;
geometry.spatialReference = { wkid: 8888 }; // nonsense!
const grGeoJ = terraformer.ArcGIS.parse(geometry, { sr: 8888 });
geometry.spatialReference = realSR;
// project json
projectGeojson(grGeoJ, normalizeProj(destProj), normalizeProj(realSR));
// back to esri format
const grEsri = terraformer.ArcGIS.convert(grGeoJ);
// doing this because .convert likes to attach a lat/long spatial reference for fun.
grEsri.spatialReference = new esriBundle.SpatialReference(destProj);
return grEsri;
* Reproject an EsriExtent object on the client. Does not require network
* traffic, but may not handle conversion between projection types as well.
* Internally it tests 8 points along each edge and takes the max extent
* of the result.
* @param {EsriExtent} extent to reproject
* @param {Object} sr is the target spatial reference (if a number it
* will be treated as a WKID)
* @returns {Object} an extent as an unstructured object
function localProjectExtent(extent, sr) {
// interpolates two points by splitting the line in half recursively
function interpolate(p0, p1, steps) {
if (steps === 0) { return [p0, p1]; }
let mid = [(p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2, (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2];
if (steps === 1) {
return [p0, mid, p1];
if (steps > 1) {
let i0 = interpolate(p0, mid, steps - 1);
let i1 = interpolate(mid, p1, steps - 1);
return i0.concat(i1.slice(1));
const points = [[extent.xmin, extent.ymin], [extent.xmax, extent.ymin],
[extent.xmax, extent.ymax], [extent.xmin, extent.ymax],
[extent.xmin, extent.ymin]];
let interpolatedPoly = [];
let srcProj;
// interpolate each edge by splitting it in half 3 times (since lines are not guaranteed to project to lines we need to consider
// max / min points in the middle of line segments)
[0, 1, 2, 3]
.map(i => interpolate(points[i], points[i + 1], 3).slice(1))
.forEach(seg => interpolatedPoly = interpolatedPoly.concat(seg));
// find the source extent (either from wkid or wkt)
srcProj = normalizeProj(extent.spatialReference);
// find the destination extent
let destProj = normalizeProj(sr);
if (extent.spatialReference.wkid && !proj4.defs(srcProj)) {
throw new Error('Source projection WKID not recognized by proj4 library');
const projConvert = proj4(srcProj, destProj);
const transformed = interpolatedPoly.map(x => projConvert.forward(x));
const xvals = transformed.map(x => x[0]);
const yvals = transformed.map(x => x[1]);
const x0 = Math.min.apply(null, xvals);
const x1 = Math.max.apply(null, xvals);
const y0 = Math.min.apply(null, yvals);
const y1 = Math.max.apply(null, yvals);
return { x0, y0, x1, y1, sr };
* Check whether or not a spatialReference is supported by proj4 library.
* @param {Object} spatialReference to be checked to see if it's supported by proj4. Can be ESRI SR object or a EPSG string.
* @param {Function} epsgLookup an optional lookup function for EPSG codes which are not loaded
* in the proj4 definitions, the function should take a numeric EPSG code and return a Promise
* resolving with a proj4 style definition string
* @returns {Object} with the structure {
* foundProj: (bool) indicates if the projection was found without a web lookup,
* message: (string) provides a reason why the projection was not found,
* lookupPromise: (Promise) an promise resolving after any web lookups. Resolves with true or false overall success.
* }
function checkProj(spatialReference, epsgLookup) {
let srcProj;
let latestProj;
let epsgKey = true; // indicates we are dealing with an EPSG key
const res = {
foundProj: false,
message: 'Source projection OK',
lookupPromise: Promise.resolve(true)
const addCode = idnum => {
return `EPSG:${idnum}`;
// determine what our parameter is
if (spatialReference.wkid) {
// esri SR with wkid. also check if it has a latestWkid
srcProj = addCode(spatialReference.wkid);
if (spatialReference.latestWkid) {
latestProj = addCode(spatialReference.latestWkid);
} else if (spatialReference.wkt) {
// esri SR with wkt. it is good to go.
res.foundProj = true;
epsgKey = false;
} else if (typeof spatialReference === 'string') {
srcProj = spatialReference;
} else if (typeof spatialReference === 'number') {
srcProj = addCode(String(spatialReference));
} else {
// dont know what we got.
res.message = 'No WKT, WKID, or EPSG code specified on input';
res.lookupPromise = Promise.resolve(false);
epsgKey = false;
if (epsgKey) {
// dealing with an epsg key. check for a definition
// worker function. if we had to get latest wkid from internet,
// need to also map that result to the normal wkid. but only
// if the two wkids are different.
const applyLatest = (latestDef, normalDef) => {
if (latestDef !== normalDef) {
proj4.defs(normalDef, proj4.defs(latestDef));
if (proj4.defs(srcProj)) {
// already defined in proj4. good.
res.foundProj = true;
} else {
// we currently don't have this in proj4
if (latestProj && proj4.defs(latestProj)) {
// we have the latestWkid projection defined.
applyLatest(latestProj, srcProj);
res.foundProj = true;
} else {
// need to find a definition
if (epsgLookup) {
res.message = 'Attempting to lookup WKID';
// function to execute a lookup & store result if success
const doLookup = epsgStr => {
return epsgLookup(epsgStr).then(def => {
if (def === null) {
return false;
proj4.defs(epsgStr, def);
return true;
// check the latestWkid first, if it exists (as that wkid is usally the EPSG friendly one)
// otherwise make a dummy promise that will just cause the standard wkid promise to run.
const latestLookup = latestProj ? doLookup(latestProj) : Promise.resolve(false);
res.lookupPromise = latestLookup.then(latestSuccess => {
if (latestSuccess) {
// found the latestWkid code
applyLatest(latestProj, srcProj);
return true;
} else {
// no luck with latestWkid, so lookup on normal code
return doLookup(srcProj);
} else {
// no lookup function. no projections for you.
res.lookupPromise = Promise.resolve(false);
res.message = 'Source projection not recognized by proj4 library';
return res;
function projectEsriExtentBuilder(esriBundle) {
return (extent, sr) => {
const p = localProjectExtent(extent, sr);
return new esriBundle.Extent(p.x0, p.y0, p.x1, p.y1, p.sr);
function esriServiceBuilder(esriBundle) {
* Reproject an esri geometry object on the server. Requires network traffic
* to esri's Geometry Service, but may be slower than proj4 conversion.
* Internally it tests 1 point and reprojects it to another spatial reference.
* @param {url} url for the ESRI Geometry Service
* @param {geometries} geometries to be projected
* @param {sr} sr is the target spatial reference
* @returns {Promise} promise to return reprojected geometries
return (url, geometries, sr) => {
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject) => {
const params = new esriBundle.ProjectParameters();
// connect to esri server
const gsvc = new esriBundle.GeometryService(url);
params.geometries = geometries;
params.outSR = sr;
// call project function from esri server to do conversion
projectedExtents => {
}, error => {
* Checks if two spatial reference objects are equivalent. Handles both wkid and wkt definitions.
* @method isSpatialRefEqual
* @static
* @param {type} sr1 Esri Spatial Reference First to compare
* @param {type} sr2 Esri Spatial Reference Second to compare
* @return {Boolean} true if the two spatial references are equivalent. False otherwise.
function isSpatialRefEqual(sr1, sr2) {
if ((sr1.wkid) && (sr2.wkid)) {
// both SRs have wkids
return sr1.wkid === sr2.wkid;
} else if ((sr1.wkt) && (sr2.wkt)) {
// both SRs have wkt's
return sr1.wkt === sr2.wkt;
} else {
// not enough info provided or mismatch between wkid and wkt.
return false;
module.exports = function (esriBundle) {
// TODO: Move Point and SpatialReference to its own (geometry) module
// TODO some of the hardcoded 102### projections might be removed after https://github.com/fgpv-vpgf/fgpv-vpgf/issues/2234
// TODO consider moving this elsewhere. state is bad, but these are common, and we have no service for esri defs
proj4.defs('EPSG:3978', '+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=49 ' +
'+lon_0=-95 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs');
proj4.defs('EPSG:3979', '+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-95 ' +
'+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs');
proj4.defs('EPSG:54004', '+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 ' +
'+datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs');
proj4.defs('EPSG:102100', proj4.defs('EPSG:3857'));
proj4.defs('EPSG:102187', '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-114 +k=0.9999 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 ' +
'+ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs');
proj4.defs('EPSG:102190', '+proj=aea +lat_1=50 +lat_2=58.5 +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-126 ' +
'+x_0=1000000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs');
// add UTM projections
let utm = 1;
while (utm <= 60) {
let zone = utm < 10 ? `0${utm}` : utm;
proj4.defs(`EPSG:326${zone}`, `+proj=utm +zone=${utm} +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs`);
return {
addProjection: proj4.defs, // straight passthrough at the moment, maybe add arg checking (two args)?
getProjection: proj4.defs, // straight passthrough at the moment, maybe add arg checking (one arg)?
esriServerProject: esriServiceBuilder(esriBundle),
Graphic: esriBundle.Graphic,
graphicsUtils: esriBundle.graphicsUtils,
localProjectGeometry: localProjectGeometryBuilder(esriBundle),
Point: esriBundle.Point,
projectEsriExtent: projectEsriExtentBuilder(esriBundle),
SpatialReference: esriBundle.SpatialReference