'use strict';
const layerInterface = require('./layerInterface.js')();
const shared = require('./shared.js')();
const root = require('./root.js')();
* @class LayerRecord
class LayerRecord extends root.Root {
// NOTE: we used to override layerClass in each specific class.
// since we require the class in the generic constructor,
// and since it was requested that the esri class be passed in
// as a constructor parameter instead of holding a ref to the esriBundle,
// and since you must call `super` first in a constructor,
// it was impossible to assign the specific class before the generic
// constructor executed, resulting in null-dereferences.
// this approach solves the problem.
get layerClass () { return this._layerClass; }
get config () { return this.initialConfig; } // TODO: add a live config reference if needed
get legendEntry () { return this._legendEntry; } // legend entry class corresponding to those defined in legend entry service
set legendEntry (value) { this._legendEntry = value; } // TODO: determine if we still link legends inside this class
get state () { return this._state; }
set state (value) { this._state = value; }
get isActiveState () {
// indicates if layer is in an active, interactable state.
// in other words, would be false if it's still initializing, or has error'd.
return shared.layerLoaded(this.state);
get layerId () { return this.config.id; }
get rootUrl () { return this._rootUrl; }
set rootUrl (value) { this._rootUrl = value; }
// TODO should probably remove passthrough bindings?
get _layerPassthroughBindings () { return ['setOpacity', 'setVisibility']; } // TODO when jshint parses instance fields properly we can change this from a property to a field
get _layerPassthroughProperties () { return ['visibleAtMapScale', 'visible', 'spatialReference']; } // TODO when jshint parses instance fields properly we can change this from a property to a field
get userLayer () { return this._user; } // indicates if layer was added by a user
set userLayer (value) { this._user = value; }
// really this is the client layer type. how it is implemented in the map stack.
// layerType is implemented by the classes that inherit LayerRecord. So if someone forgets
// they will get a lovely null here to remind them.
// in the case of a record, the implementation will usually match the record type.
get parentLayerType () { return this.layerType; }
get visibility () {
if (this._layer) {
return this._layer.visible;
} else {
return true; // TODO what should a proper default be? example of this situation??
set visibility (value) {
if (this._layer) {
// TODO do we need an ELSE case here?
get opacity () {
if (this._layer) {
return this._layer.opacity;
} else {
return 1; // TODO what should a proper default be? example of this situation??
set opacity (value) {
if (this._layer) {
// TODO do we need an ELSE case here?
* Attach record event handlers to common layer events
* @function bindEvents
* @param {Object} layer the api layer object
bindEvents (layer) {
// TODO optional refactor. Rather than making the events object in the parameter,
// do it as a variable, and only add mouse-over, mouse-out events if we are
// in an app configuration that will use it. May save a bit of processing
// by not having unused events being handled and ignored.
// Second optional thing. Call a separate wrapEvents in FeatuerRecord class
// TODO apply johann update here
this._apiRef.events.wrapEvents(layer, {
// wrapping the function calls to keep `this` bound correctly
load: () => this.onLoad(),
error: e => this.onError(e),
'update-start': () => this.onUpdateStart(),
'update-end': () => this.onUpdateEnd(),
'mouse-over': e => this.onMouseOver(e),
'mouse-out': e => this.onMouseOut(e)
* Generates a new api layer object.
* @function constructLayer
* @returns {Object} the new api layer object.
constructLayer () {
this._layer = this.layerClass(this.config.url, this.makeLayerConfig());
return this._layer;
* Reacts to a layer-level state change.
* @function _stateChange
* @private
* @param {String} newState the state the layer has now become
_stateChange (newState) {
// console.log(`State change for ${this.layerId} to ${newState}`);
this._state = newState;
* Wire up state change listener.
* @function addStateListener
* @param {Function} listenerCallback function to call when a state change event happens
addStateListener (listenerCallback) {
return this._stateEvent.addListener(listenerCallback);
* Remove a state change listener.
* @function removeStateListener
* @param {Function} listenerCallback function to not call when a state change event happens
removeStateListener (listenerCallback) {
* Reacts to a layer downloading attributes.
* @function _attribsAdded
* @private
* @param {String} idx the index of the layer whose attributes were downloaded
* @param {Object} attribs the layer attributes downloaded
_attribsAdded (idx, attribs) {
this._attribEvent.fireEvent(this, idx, attribs);
* Wire up attrib added listener.
* @function addAttribListener
* @param {Function} listenerCallback function to call when attributes download event happens
addAttribListener (listenerCallback) {
return this._attribEvent.addListener(listenerCallback);
* Remove an attribute added listener.
* @function removeAttribListener
* @param {Function} listenerCallback function to not call when attributes download event happens
removeAttribListener (listenerCallback) {
* Wire up mouse hover listener.
* @function addHoverListener
* @param {Function} listenerCallback function to call when a hover event happens
addHoverListener (listenerCallback) {
return this._hoverEvent.addListener(listenerCallback);
* Remove a mouse hover listener.
* @function removeHoverListener
* @param {Function} listenerCallback function to not call when a hover event happens
removeHoverListener (listenerCallback) {
* Triggers when the layer loads.
* @function onLoad
* @returns {Array} list of promises that need to resolve for layer to be considered loaded.
onLoad () {
// only super-general stuff in here, that all layers should run.
console.info(`Layer loaded: ${this._layer.id}`);
if (!this.name) {
// no name from config. attempt layer name
this.name = this._layer.name;
if (!this.extent) {
// no extent from config. attempt layer extent
this.extent = this._layer.fullExtent;
this.extent = shared.makeSafeExtent(this.extent);
let lookupPromise = Promise.resolve();
if (this._epsgLookup) {
const check = this._apiRef.proj.checkProj(this.spatialReference, this._epsgLookup);
if (check.lookupPromise) {
lookupPromise = check.lookupPromise;
// TODO if we don't find a projection, the app will show the layer loading forever.
// might need to handle the fail case and show something to the user.
return [lookupPromise];
* Triggers when the layer has an error.
* @function onError
* @param {Object} e error event object
onError (e) {
console.warn(`Layer error: ${e}`);
* Triggers when the layer starts to update.
* @function onUpdateStart
onUpdateStart () {
* Triggers when the layer finishes updating.
* @function onUpdateEnd
onUpdateEnd () {
* Handles when the mouse enters a layer
onMouseOver () {
// do nothing in baseclass
* Handles when the mouse leaves a layer
onMouseOut () {
// do nothing in baseclass
* Indicates if layer is file based, WMS, WFS, or esri based.
* @function dataSource
dataSource () {
// only instances of FeatureLayer can be file based or WFS and only instances of WMSLayer are type wms; those classes override this function
return shared.dataSources.ESRI;
* Creates an options object for the map API object
* @function makeLayerConfig
* @returns {Object} an object with api options
makeLayerConfig () {
return {
id: this.config.id,
opacity: this.config.state.opacity,
visible: this.config.state.visibility,
refreshInterval: this.config.refreshInterval
* Figure out visibility scale. Will use layer minScale/maxScale
* and map levels of detail to determine scale boundaries.
* @function findZoomScale
* @param {Array} lods array of valid levels of detail for the map
* @param {Object} scaleSet contains .minScale and .maxScale for valid viewing scales
* @param {Boolean} zoomIn the zoom to scale direction; true need to zoom in; false need to zoom out
* @returns {Object} a level of detail (lod) object for the appropriate scale to zoom to
findZoomScale (lods, scaleSet, zoomIn = true) {
// TODO optional. add quick check...if our minScale/maxScale we are comparing against is 0,
// then no need to search array, just take first item.
// the lods array is ordered largest scale to smallest scale. e.g. world view to city view
// if zoomOut is false, we reverse the array so we search it in the other direction.
const modLods = zoomIn ? lods : [...lods].reverse();
const scaleLod = modLods.find(currentLod => zoomIn ? currentLod.scale < scaleSet.minScale :
currentLod.scale > scaleSet.maxScale);
// if we did not encounter a boundary go to last
return scaleLod || modLods[modLods.length - 1];
* Set map scale depending on zooming in or zooming out of layer visibility scale
* @function setMapScale
* @param {Object} map layer to zoom to scale to for feature layers; parent layer for dynamic layers
* @param {Object} lod scale object the map will be set to
* @param {Boolean} zoomIn the zoom to scale direction; true need to zoom in; false need to zoom out
* @param {Boolean} positionOverLayer ensures the map is over the layer's extent after zooming. only applied if zoomIn is true. defaults to true
* @returns {Promise} resolves after map is done changing its extent
setMapScale (map, lod, zoomIn, positionOverLayer = true) {
// TODO possible this would live in the map manager in a bigger refactor.
// NOTE because we utilize the layer object's full extent (and not child feature class extents),
// this function stays in this class.
// TODO since we now support extents in child layers, it might be worth looking at using those
// extents instead of the overall layer extent.
// if zoom in is needed; must find center of layer's full extent and perform center&zoom
if (zoomIn && positionOverLayer) {
// need to reproject in case full extent in a different sr than basemap
const gextent = this._apiRef.proj.localProjectExtent(this.extent, map.spatialReference);
const reprojLayerFullExt = this._apiRef.Map.Extent(gextent.x0, gextent.y0,
gextent.x1, gextent.y1, gextent.sr);
// check if current map extent already in layer extent
return map.setScale(lod.scale).then(() => {
// if map extent not in layer extent, zoom to center of layer extent
// don't need to return Deferred otherwise because setScale already resolved here
if (!reprojLayerFullExt.intersects(map.extent)) {
return map.centerAt(reprojLayerFullExt.getCenter());
} else {
return map.setScale(lod.scale);
* Figure out visibility scale and zoom to it. Will use layer minScale/maxScale
* and map levels of detail to determine scale boundaries.
* @function _zoomToScaleSet
* @private
* @param {Object} map the map object
* @param {Array} lods level of details array for basemap
* @param {Boolean} zoomIn the zoom to scale direction; true need to zoom in; false need to zoom out
* @param {Object} scaleSet contains min and max scales for the layer
* @param {Boolean} positionOverLayer ensures the map is over the layer's extent after zooming. only applied if zoomIn is true. defaults to true
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves after map finishes moving about
_zoomToScaleSet (map, lods, zoomIn, scaleSet, positionOverLayer = true) {
// TODO update function parameters once things are working
// NOTE we use lods provided by config rather that system-ish map.__tileInfo.lods
const zoomLod = this.findZoomScale(lods, scaleSet, zoomIn);
return this.setMapScale(map, zoomLod, zoomIn, positionOverLayer);
* Zoom to a valid scale level for this layer.
* @function zoomToScale
* @param {Object} map the map object
* @param {Array} lods level of details array for basemap
* @param {Boolean} zoomIn the zoom to scale direction; true need to zoom in; false need to zoom out
* @param {Boolean} positionOverLayer ensures the map is over the layer's extent after zooming. only applied if zoomIn is true. defaults to true
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves after map finishes moving about
zoomToScale (map, lods, zoomIn, positionOverLayer = true) {
// get scale set from child, then execute zoom
const scaleSet = this._featClasses[this._defaultFC].getScaleSet();
return this._zoomToScaleSet(map, lods, zoomIn, scaleSet, positionOverLayer);
* Indicates if the feature class is not visible at the given scale,
* and if so, if we need to zoom in to see it or zoom out
* @function isOffScale
* @param {Integer} mapScale the scale to test against
* @returns {Object} has boolean properties `offScale` and `zoomIn`
isOffScale (mapScale) {
return this._featClasses[this._defaultFC].isOffScale(mapScale);
* Zoom to layer boundary of the layer specified by layerId
* @function zoomToBoundary
* @param {Object} map esriMap object we want to execute the zoom on
* @return {Promise} resolves when map is done zooming
zoomToBoundary (map) {
return map.zoomToExtent(this.extent);
* Returns the visible scale values of the layer
* @function getVisibleScales
* @returns {Object} has properties .minScale and .maxScale
getVisibleScales () {
// default layer, take from layer object
// TODO do we need to handle a missing layer case?
// no one should be calling this until layer is loaded anyways
return {
minScale: this._layer.minScale,
maxScale: this._layer.maxScale
* Returns the feature count
* @function getFeatureCount
* @returns {Promise} resolves feature count
getFeatureCount () {
// TODO determine best result to indicate that layer does not have features
// we may want a null so that UI can display a different message (or suppress the message).
// of note, the proxy is currently returning undefined for non-feature things
return Promise.resolve(0);
* Create an extent centered around a point, that is appropriate for the current map scale.
* @function makeClickBuffer
* @param {Object} point point on the map for extent center
* @param {Object} map map object the extent is relevant for
* @param {Integer} tolerance optional. distance in pixels from mouse point that qualifies as a hit. default is 5
* @return {Object} an extent of desired size and location
makeClickBuffer (point, map, tolerance = 5) {
// take pixel tolerance, convert to map units at current scale. x2 to turn radius into diameter
const buffSize = 2 * tolerance * map.extent.getWidth() / map.width;
// Build tolerance envelope of correct size
const cBuff = this._apiRef.Map.Extent(0, 0, buffSize, buffSize, point.spatialReference);
// move the envelope so it is centered around the point
return cBuff.centerAt(point);
get symbology () { return this._featClasses[this._defaultFC].symbology; }
* Indicates the layer is queryable.
* @function isQueryable
* @returns {Boolean} the queryability of the layer
isQueryable () {
return this._featClasses[this._defaultFC].queryable;
* Applies queryability to the layer.
* @function setQueryable
* @param {Boolean} value the new queryability setting
setQueryable (value) {
this._featClasses[this._defaultFC].queryable = value;
* Indicates the geometry type of the layer.
* @function getGeomType
* @returns {String} the geometry type of the layer
getGeomType () {
// standard case, layer has no geometry. This gets overridden in feature-based Record classes.
return undefined;
* Indicates the oid field of the layer.
* @function getOidField
* @returns {String} the oid field of the layer
getOidField () {
// standard case, layer has no oid field. This gets overridden in feature-based Record classes.
return undefined;
* Provides the proxy interface object to the layer.
* @function getProxy
* @returns {Object} the proxy interface for the layer
getProxy () {
// NOTE baseclass used by things like WMSRecord, ImageRecord, TileRecord
if (!this._rootProxy) {
this._rootProxy = new layerInterface.LayerInterface(this);
return this._rootProxy;
* Determines if layer's spatial ref matches the given spatial ref.
* Mainly used to determine if a tile wont display on a map.
* Highly recommend only calling this after a layer's load event has happened.
* @param {Object} spatialReference spatial reference to compare against.
* @return {Boolean} true if layer has same sr as input. false otherwise.
validateProjection (spatialReference) {
if (spatialReference && this._layer && this._layer.spatialReference) {
return this._apiRef.proj.isSpatialRefEqual(spatialReference, this._layer.spatialReference);
} else {
throw new error('validateProjection called -- essential info wasnt available');
* Deletes any pre-loaded attributes when the layer automatically refreshes to ensure up-to-date attributes are loaded next time
* @function cleanUpAttribs
cleanUpAttribs () {
Object.keys(this._featClasses).forEach(fc => {
delete this._featClasses[fc]._formattedAttributes;
if (this._featClasses[fc]._layerPackage) {
delete this._featClasses[fc]._layerPackage._attribData;
this._featClasses[fc]._layerPackage.loadIsDone = false;
* Create a layer record with the appropriate geoApi layer type. Layer config
* should be fully merged with all layer options defined (i.e. this constructor
* will not apply any defaults).
* @param {Object} layerClass the ESRI api object for the layer
* @param {Object} apiRef object pointing to the geoApi. allows us to call other geoApi functions.
* @param {Object} config layer config values
* @param {Object} esriLayer an optional pre-constructed layer
* @param {Function} epsgLookup an optional lookup function for EPSG codes (see geoService for signature)
constructor (layerClass, apiRef, config, esriLayer, epsgLookup) {
this._layerClass = layerClass;
this.name = config.name || '';
this._featClasses = {};
this._defaultFC = '0';
this._apiRef = apiRef;
this.initialConfig = config;
this._stateEvent = new shared.FakeEvent();
this._attribEvent = new shared.FakeEvent();
this._hoverEvent = new shared.FakeEvent();
this._user = false;
this._epsgLookup = epsgLookup;
this.extent = config.extent; // if missing, will fill more values after layer loads
// TODO verify we still use passthrough bindings.
this._layerPassthroughBindings.forEach(bindingName =>
this[bindingName] = (...args) => this._layer[bindingName](...args));
this._layerPassthroughProperties.forEach(propName => {
const descriptor = {
enumerable: true,
get: () => this._layer[propName]
Object.defineProperty(this, propName, descriptor);
if (config.wfsConfig) {
// funny case where we have to kind of pause everything
// need this in layerRecord as it's constructor is executed before featureRecord's constructor
this._state = shared.states.LOADING;
} else if (esriLayer) {
this.constructLayer = () => { throw new Error('Cannot construct pre-made layers'); };
this._layer = esriLayer;
this._rootUrl = esriLayer.url || '';
// TODO might want to change this to be whatever layer says it is
this._state = shared.states.LOADING;
if (!this.name) {
// no name from config. attempt layer name
this.name = esriLayer.name;
if (!esriLayer.url) {
// file layer. force snapshot, force an onload
this._snapshot = true;
} else {
this._rootUrl = config.url;
this._state = shared.states.LOADING;
module.exports = () => ({