
'use strict';

const layerInterface = require('./layerInterface.js')();
const root = require('./root.js')();
const shared = require('./shared.js')();

const geometryTypes = {
    POINT: 'Point',
    MULTIPOINT: 'MultiPoint',
    LINESTRING: 'LineString',
    MULTILINESTRING: 'MultiLineString',
    POLYGON: 'Polygon',
    MULTIPOLYGON: 'MultiPolygon'

const pointStyles = {
    CIRCLE: 'esriSMSCircle',
    CROSS: 'esriSMSCross',
    DIAMOND: 'esriSMSDiamond',
    SQUARE: 'esriSMSSquare',
    X: 'esriSMSX',
    TRIANGLE: 'esriSMSTriangle'
const lineStyles = {
    DASH: 'esriSLSDash',
    DASHDOT: 'esriSLSDashDot',
    DASHDOTDOT: 'esriSLSDashDotDot',
    DOT: 'esriSLSDot',
    NULL: 'esriSLSNull',
    SOLID: 'esriSLSSolid'
const fillStyles = {
    BDIAG: 'backwarddiagonal',
    CROSS: 'cross',
    DIAG_CROSS: 'diagonalcross',
    FDIAG: 'forwarddiagonal',
    HORIZONTAL: 'horizontal',
    NULL: 'none',
    SOLID: 'solid',
    VERTICAL: 'vertical'

const llSR = {
    wkid: 4326

 * @class GraphicsRecord
class GraphicsRecord extends root.Root {
     * Create a graphics layer record with the appropriate geoApi layer type.
     * TODO: possibly have an intermediate class between root and layerRecord to have all the duplicated items, such as hovertips.
     * TODO: add identify functionality and fix any other features that might need to be modified
     * @param {Object} esriBundle       bundle of API classes
     * @param {Object} apiRef           object pointing to the geoApi. allows us to call other geoApi functions.
     * @param {String} name             name and id of the layer.
    constructor (esriBundle, apiRef, name) {

        this._bundle = esriBundle;
        this._apiRef = apiRef;
        this._layerClass = esriBundle.GraphicsLayer;
        this._name = name;
        this._id = name;
        this._layer = this._layerClass({ id: this._name });
        this._hoverEvent = new shared.FakeEvent();

    get layerId () { return this._id; }

    get name () { return this._name; }
    set name (value) {
        this._name = value;
        this._id = value;

    get layerType () { return shared.clientLayerType.ESRI_GRAPHICS; }

    get visibility () {
        if (this._layer) {
            return this._layer.visible;
        } else {
            return true; // TODO what should a proper default be? example of this situation??
    set visibility (value) {
        if (this._layer) {

        // TODO do we need an ELSE case here?

    get opacity () {
        if (this._layer) {
            return this._layer.opacity;
        } else {
            return 1; // TODO what should a proper default be? example of this situation??
    set opacity (value) {
        if (this._layer) {

        // TODO do we need an ELSE case here?

     * Attach record event handlers to common layer events
     * @function bindEvents
     * @param {Object} layer the api layer object
    bindEvents (layer) {
        // TODO optional refactor.  Rather than making the events object in the parameter,
        //      do it as a variable, and only add mouse-over, mouse-out events if we are
        //      in an app configuration that will use it. May save a bit of processing
        //      by not having unused events being handled and ignored.
        //      Second optional thing. Call a separate wrapEvents in FeatuerRecord class
        // TODO apply johann update here, {
            // wrapping the function calls to keep `this` bound correctly
            'mouse-over': e => this.onMouseOver(e),
            'mouse-out': e => this.onMouseOut(e)

     * Wire up mouse hover listener.
     * @function addHoverListener
     * @param {Function} listenerCallback function to call when a hover event happens
    addHoverListener (listenerCallback) {
        return this._hoverEvent.addListener(listenerCallback);

     * Remove a mouse hover listener.
     * @function removeHoverListener
     * @param {Function} listenerCallback function to not call when a hover event happens
    removeHoverListener (listenerCallback) {

     * Provides the proxy interface object to the layer.
     * @function getProxy
     * @returns {Object} the proxy interface for the layer
    getProxy () {
        if (!this._rootProxy) {
            this._rootProxy = new layerInterface.LayerInterface(this);
        return this._rootProxy;

     * Triggers when the mouse enters a feature of the layer.
     * @function onMouseOver
     * @param {Object} standard mouse event object
    onMouseOver (e) {
        const showBundle = {
            type: 'mouseOver',
            point: e.screenPoint,
            graphic: e.graphic

        // tell anyone listening we moused into something

     * Triggers when the mouse leaves a feature of the layer.
     * @function onMouseOut
     * @param {Object} standard mouse event object
    onMouseOut (e) {
        // tell anyone listening we moused out
        const outBundle = {
            type: 'mouseOut',

     * Identify the type of geometry being added and add it to the map.
     * @function addGeometry
     * @param {Object|Array} geo                  api geometry class to be added
     * @param {Object} spatialReference          the projection the graphics should be in
    addGeometry(geo, spatialReference) {
        // for each geometry, figure out what type it is, massage the data
        // to a format that our internal libraries can use, then call the
        // appropriate _add function to get it on the map.

        const geometries = Array.isArray(geo) ? geo : [ geo ];

        geometries.forEach(geometry => {
            const id =;
            if (geometry.type === geometryTypes.POINT) {
                const coords = geometry.xy.toArray();
                const icon = geometry.styleOptions.icon;
                this._addPoint(coords, spatialReference, icon, id, geometry.styleOptions);
            } else if (geometry.type === geometryTypes.MULTIPOINT) {
                const points = => p.xy.toArray());
                const icon = geometry.styleOptions.icon;
                this._addMultiPoint(points, spatialReference, icon, id, geometry.styleOptions);
            } else if (geometry.type === geometryTypes.LINESTRING) {
                const path = => p.xy.toArray());
                this._addLine(path, spatialReference, id, geometry.styleOptions);
            } else if (geometry.type === geometryTypes.MULTILINESTRING) {
                const path = =>
           => p.xy.toArray())
                this._addMultiLine(path, spatialReference, id, geometry.styleOptions);
            } else if (geometry.type === geometryTypes.POLYGON) {
                const rings = =>
           => p.xy.toArray())
                this._addPolygon(rings, spatialReference, id, geometry.styleOptions);
            } else if (geometry.type === geometryTypes.MULTIPOLYGON) {
                const multiPolyRings = =>
               => p.xy.toArray())
                const rings = [].concat.apply([], multiPolyRings);

                // addPolygon functions works for MultiPolygon as well, since we set up the rings in the proper format
                this._addPolygon(rings, spatialReference, id, geometry.styleOptions);

     * Add a point where specified using longitute and latitute.
     * @function _addPoint
     * @private
     * @param {Object} coords                    the long and lat to use as the graphic location
     * @param {Object} spatialReference          the desired projection the graphics should be in
     * @param {String} icon                      data / image url or svg path for layer icon. defaults to a red point
     * @param {String} id                        id of api geometry being added to map
     * @param {Object} opts                      options to apply to point
    _addPoint(coords, spatialReference, icon, id, opts) {
        const projPt = this._apiRef.proj.localProjectPoint(llSR, spatialReference, coords);
        const point = new this._bundle.Point({
            x: projPt[0],
            y: projPt[1],

        let symbol, marker;
        if ( === 'ICON') {
            if (this._isUrl(icon)) {
                // TODO: discuss how to handle the width / height issue when passing in an icon
                symbol = new this._bundle.PictureMarkerSymbol(icon, opts.width, opts.height);
                symbol.setOffset(opts.xOffset, opts.yOffset);
            } else {
                symbol = new this._bundle.SimpleMarkerSymbol();
                symbol.setOffset(opts.xOffset, opts.yOffset);
            marker = new this._bundle.Graphic(point, symbol);
        } else {
            const options = {
                color: opts.colour,
                size: opts.width,
                xoffset: opts.xOffset,
                yoffset: opts.yOffset,
                type: 'esriSMS',
                style: pointStyles[],
                outline: {
                    color: [0, 0, 0],
                    width: 1,
                    type: 'esriSLS',
                    style: 'esriSLSSolid'
            symbol = new this._bundle.SimpleMarkerSymbol(options);
            marker = new this._bundle.Graphic(point, symbol);

        marker.geometry.apiId = id;
        marker.geometry.geomType = "esriGeometryPoint"; // trickery for the zooming

     * Add multiple points where specified using the longitutes and latitutes.
     * @function _addMultiPoint
     * @private
     * @param {Array} coords                     a 3D array of long and lat to use as the graphic location for each point
     * @param {Object} spatialReference          the desired projection the graphics should be in
     * @param {String} icon                      data / image url or svg path for layer icon. defaults to a green point
     * @param {String} id                        id of api geometry being added to map
     * @param {Object} opts                      options to apply to points
    _addMultiPoint(coords, spatialReference, icon, id, opts) {
        const llPoints =  new this._bundle.Multipoint({
            points: coords,
            spatialReference: llSR

        const projPoints = this._apiRef.proj.localProjectGeometry(spatialReference, llPoints);
        const points = new this._bundle.Multipoint(projPoints);

        let symbol, marker;
        if ( === 'ICON') {
            if (this._isUrl(icon)) {
                // TODO: discuss how to handle the width / height issue when passing in an icon
                symbol = new this._bundle.PictureMarkerSymbol(icon, 16.5, 16.5);
            } else {
                symbol = new this._bundle.SimpleMarkerSymbol();
                symbol.setColor([255, 0, 0]);
            marker = new this._bundle.Graphic(points, symbol);
        } else {
            const options = {
                color: opts.colour,
                size: opts.width,
                xoffset: opts.xOffset,
                yoffset: opts.yOffset,
                type: 'esriSMS',
                style: pointStyles[],
                outline: {
                    color: [0, 0, 0],
                    width: 1,
                    type: 'esriSLS',
                    style: 'esriSLSSolid'
            symbol = new this._bundle.SimpleMarkerSymbol(options);
            marker = new this._bundle.Graphic(points, symbol);

        marker.geometry.apiId = id;

     * Add a line where specified using the path of longitutes and latitutes.
     * @function _addLine
     * @private
     * @param {Array} path                       an array of long and lat to use as the path for the line
     * @param {Object} spatialReference          the desired projection the graphics should be in
     * @param {String} id                        id of api geometry being added to map
     * @param {Object} opts                      options to apply to line
    _addLine(path, spatialReference, id, opts) {
        this._addMultiLine([path], spatialReference, id, opts);

     * Add multiple lines where specified using the path of longitutes and latitutes.
     * @function _addMultiLine
     * @private
     * @param {Array} paths                      a 3D array of long and lat to use as the paths for the lines
     * @param {Object} spatialReference          the desired projection the graphics should be in
     * @param {String} id                        id of api geometry being added to map
     * @param {Object} opts                      options to apply to lines
    _addMultiLine(paths, spatialReference, id, opts) {
        const llLine = new this._bundle.Polyline({
            paths: paths,
            spatialReference: llSR

        const projLine = this._apiRef.proj.localProjectGeometry(spatialReference, llLine);
        const lines = new this._bundle.Polyline(projLine);

        const symbol = {
            width: opts.width,
            type: 'esriSLS',
            color: opts.colour,
            outline: {
                color: [0, 0, 0],
                width: 1,
                type: 'esriSLS',
                style: 'esriSLSSolid'
        const marker = new this._bundle.Graphic({ symbol: symbol });

        marker.geometry.apiId = id;

     * Add a polygon where specified using the rings provided.
     * @function _addPolygon
     * @private
     * @param {Array} rings                      an array of rings containing an array of long-lat coordinates
     * @param {Object} spatialReference          the desired projection the graphics should be in
     * @param {String} id                        id of api geometry being added to map
     * @param {Object} opts                      settings such as color and opacity for the polygon
    _addPolygon(rings, spatialReference, id, opts) {
        const llPoly = new this._bundle.Polygon({
            spatialReference: llSR

        const projPoly = this._apiRef.proj.localProjectGeometry(spatialReference, llPoly);
        const polygon = new this._bundle.Polygon(projPoly);

        const lineSymbol = new this._bundle.SimpleLineSymbol();

        const fillColor = new this._bundle.Color(opts.fillColor);
        fillColor.a = opts.fillOpacity;

        const fillSymbol = new this._bundle.SimpleFillSymbol();

        const marker = new this._bundle.Graphic(polygon, fillSymbol);

        marker.geometry.apiId = id;

     * Remove the specified graphic.
     * @function removeGeometry
     * @param {Number} index      index of the graphic to remove from the layer
    removeGeometry(index) {
        const graphic =[index];

     * Check to see if text provided is a valid image / data URL based on extension type or format.
     * @function _isUrl
     * @private
     * @param {String} text                      string to be matched against valid image types / data url format
     * @returns {Boolean}                        true if valid image extension
    _isUrl(text) {
        return !!text.match(/\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|swf|svg)$/) ||

     * Return the extent of an array of graphics.
     * @function getGraphicsBoundingBox
     * @param {Array<Graphic>} graphics      the graphics whose bounding box we want to calculate
     * @returns {Object}                     the extent of an array of graphics
    getGraphicsBoundingBox(graphics) {
        return this._apiRef.proj.graphicsUtils.graphicsExtent(graphics);

     * Will attempt to zoom the map view so the a graphic is prominent.
     * @function zoomToGraphic
     * @param  {String} apiId           API ID of grahpic being searched for. This is a string name from api, not an esri OID.
     * @param  {Object} map             wrapper object for the map we want to zoom
     * @param {Object} offsetFraction   an object with decimal properties `x` and `y` indicating percentage of offsetting on each axis
     * @return {Promise}                resolves after the map is done moving
    zoomToGraphic (apiId, map, offsetFraction) {

        // TODO this is a hacky re-write of the standard attribFC.zoomToGraphic.
        // we need a function quickly, so doing it this way.
        // the proper way would be to build in a nice zoom to graphic as part of
        // the api, and clean up the logic here or somehow merge logic with attribFC (a larger task)

        // find graphic by api id
        const targGraphic = => g.geometry.apiId === apiId);

        if (targGraphic) {
            const gapi = this._apiRef;

            // we know graphic is real graphic, and in map projection.
            // we also assume there is no scale level dependency to worry about.

            const extent = gapi.proj.graphicsUtils.graphicsExtent([targGraphic]);

            let geomZoomPromise;
            if (targGraphic.geometry.geomType === 'esriGeometryPoint') {
                // zoom to point at a decent scale for hilighting a point
                const sweetLod = gapi.Map.findClosestLOD(map.lods, 50000);
                geomZoomPromise = map.centerAndZoom(extent.getCenter(), Math.max(sweetLod.level, 0));
            } else {
                // zoom to the extent of the geometery
                geomZoomPromise = map.setExtent(extent, true);

            return geomZoomPromise.then(() => {
                // we have zoomed to our graphic. now position our map
                return map.moveToOffsetExtent(extent, offsetFraction);

        } else {
            // TODO handle error correctly
            console.warn(`could not find graphic ${apiId}`);
            return Promise.resolve();

module.exports = () => ({