'use strict';
const shared = require('./shared.js')();
const placeholderFC = require('./placeholderFC.js')();
* @class BasicFC
class BasicFC extends placeholderFC.PlaceholderFC {
// base class for feature class object. deals with stuff specific to a feature class (or raster equivalent)
get queryable () { return this._queryable; }
set queryable (value) { this._queryable = value; }
// non-attributes have no geometry.
// TODO decide on proper defaulting or handling of non-geometry layers.
get geomType () { return Promise.resolve('none'); }
* @param {Object} parent the Record object that this Feature Class belongs to
* @param {String} idx the service index of this Feature Class. an integer in string format. use '0' for non-indexed sources.
* @param {Object} layerPackage a layer package object from the attribute module for this feature class
* @param {Object} config the config object for this sublayer
constructor (parent, idx, layerPackage, config) {
super(parent, config.name || '');
this._idx = idx;
this._layerPackage = layerPackage;
this.queryable = config.state.query;
this.extent = config.extent; // if missing, will fill more values after layer loads
// TODO do we need to store a copy of the config? for the memories?
* Returns an object with minScale and maxScale values for the feature class.
* @function getScaleSet
* @returns {Object} scale set for the feature class
getScaleSet () {
// basic case - we get it from the esri layer
// TODO need to test for missing layer??
const l = this._parent._layer;
return {
minScale: l.minScale,
maxScale: l.maxScale
* Indicates if the feature class is not visible at the given scale,
* and if so, if we need to zoom in to see it or zoom out
* @function isOffScale
* @param {Integer} mapScale the scale to test against
* @returns {Object} has boolean properties `offScale` and `zoomIn`
isOffScale (mapScale) {
const scaleSet = this.getScaleSet();
// GIS for dummies.
// scale increases as you zoom out, decreases as you zoom in
// minScale means if you zoom out beyond this number, hide the layer
// maxScale means if you zoom in past this number, hide the layer
// 0 value for min or max scale means there is no hiding in effect
const result = {
offScale: false,
zoomIn: false
// check if out of scale and set zoom direction to scaleSet
if (mapScale < scaleSet.maxScale && scaleSet.maxScale !== 0) {
result.offScale = true;
result.zoomIn = false;
} else if (mapScale > scaleSet.minScale && scaleSet.minScale !== 0) {
result.offScale = true;
result.zoomIn = true;
return result;
* Returns the visibility of the feature class.
* @function getVisibility
* @returns {Boolean} visibility of the feature class
getVisibility () {
return this._parent._layer.visible;
* Applies visibility to feature class.
* @function setVisibility
* @param {Boolean} value the new visibility setting
setVisibility (value) {
// basic case - set layer visibility
* Download or refresh the internal symbology for the FC.
* mergeAllLayers indicates we should collate entire parent legend into one block.
* E.g. for basemap tile. the FC index would be 0, but we want all indexes
* @function loadSymbology
* @param {Boolean} mergeAllLayers take entire service legend, no just legend for this FC. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise} resolves when symbology has been downloaded
loadSymbology (mergeAllLayers = false) {
// get symbology from service legend.
// this is used for non-feature based sources (tiles, image, raster).
// wms will override with own special logic.
const url = this._parent._layer.url;
if (url) {
// fetch legend from server, convert to local format, process local format
const legendIndex = mergeAllLayers ? undefined : this._idx;
return this._parent._apiRef.symbology.mapServerToLocalLegend(url, legendIndex)
.then(legendData => {
this.symbology = shared.makeSymbologyArray(legendData.layers[0].legend);
} else {
// this shouldn't happen. non-url layers should be files, which are features,
// which will have a basic renderer and will use FeatureFC override.
throw new Error('encountered layer with no renderer and no url');
* Zoom to the boundary of the FC.
* @param {Object} map esriMap object we want to execute the zoom on
* @return {Promise} resolves when map is done zooming
zoomToBoundary (map) {
return map.zoomToExtent(this.extent);
* Zoom to a valid scale level for this layer.
* @function zoomToScale
* @param {Object} map the map object
* @param {Array} lods level of details array for basemap
* @param {Boolean} zoomIn the zoom to scale direction; true need to zoom in; false need to zoom out
* @param {Boolean} positionOverLayer ensures the map is over the layer's extent after zooming. only applied if zoomIn is true. defaults to true
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves after map finishes moving about
zoomToScale (map, lods, zoomIn, positionOverLayer = true) {
// get scale set from child, then execute zoom
const scaleSet = this.getScaleSet();
return this._parent._zoomToScaleSet(map, lods, zoomIn, scaleSet, positionOverLayer);
* Returns layer-specific data for this FC.
* @function getLayerData
* @returns {Promise} resolves with a layer data object
getLayerData (webRequest, dataUrl) {
if (this._layerPackage.layerData) {
// layer data already set.
return this._layerPackage.layerData;
const request = webRequest(dataUrl);
this._layerPackage.layerData = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const layerData = {};
request.then(result => {
result.fields.every(elem => {
if (elem.type === 'esriFieldTypeOID') {
layerData.oidField = elem.name;
return false; // break the loop
return true; // keep looping
layerData.fields = result.fields;
layerData.renderer = { type: 'simple' };
layerData.geometryType = 'none';
}, error => {
console.warn('error getting layer data');
return this._layerPackage.layerData;
getAttribs (webRequest, dataUrl) {
if (this._layerPackage._attribData) {
// attributes have already been downloaded.
return this._layerPackage._attribData;
const request = webRequest(dataUrl);
this._layerPackage._attribData = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request.then(result => {
this._layerPackage.loadIsDone = true;
// resolve the promise with the attribute set
resolve(createAttribSet('OBJECTID', result.features));
}, error => {
console.warn('error getting attribute data');
// attrib data deleted so the first check for attribData doesn't return a rejected promise
delete this._layerPackage._attribData;
return this._layerPackage._attribData;
* Will generate attribute package with object id indexes
* @private
* @param {String} oidField field containing object id
* @param {Array} featureData feature objects to index and return
* @return {Object} object containing features and an index by object id
function createAttribSet(oidField, featureData) {
// add new data to layer data's array
const res = {
features: featureData,
oidIndex: {}
// make index on object id
featureData.forEach((elem, idx) => {
// map object id to index of object in feature array
// use toString, as objectid is integer and will act funny using array notation.
res.oidIndex[elem.attributes[oidField].toString()] = idx;
return res;
* Retrieves attributes from a layer for a specified feature index
* @return {Promise} promise resolving with formatted attributes to be consumed by the datagrid and esri feature identify
getFormattedAttributes (webRequest, dataUrl) {
if (this._formattedAttributes) {
return this._formattedAttributes;
// TODO after refactor, consider changing this to a warning and just return some dummy value
if (this.layerType === shared.clientLayerType.ESRI_RASTER) {
throw new Error('Attempting to get attributes on a raster layer.');
this._formattedAttributes = Promise.all([this.getAttribs(webRequest, dataUrl), this.getLayerData(webRequest, dataUrl)])
.then(([aData, lData]) => {
// create columns array consumable by datables
const columns = lData.fields
.filter(field =>
// assuming there is at least one attribute - empty attribute budnle promises should be rejected, so it never even gets this far
// filter out fields where there is no corresponding attribute data
.map(field => ({
data: field.name,
title: field.alias || field.name
// derive the icon for the row
const rows = aData.features.map(feature => {
const att = feature.attributes;
att.rvInteractive = '';
att.rvSymbol = this._parent._apiRef.symbology.getGraphicIcon(att, lData.renderer);
return att;
// if a field name resembles a function, the data table will treat it as one.
// to get around this, we add a function with the same name that returns the value,
// tricking that silly datagrid.
columns.forEach(c => {
if (c.data.substr(-2) === '()') {
// have to use function() to get .this to reference the row.
// arrow notation will reference the attribFC class.
const secretFunc = function() {
return this[c.data];
const stub = c.data.substr(0, c.data.length - 2); // function without brackets
rows.forEach(r => {
r[stub] = secretFunc;
return {
fields: lData.fields, // keep fields for reference ...
oidField: lData.oidField, // ... keep a reference to id field ...
oidIndex: aData.oidIndex, // ... and keep id mapping array
renderer: lData.renderer
.catch(e => {
delete this._formattedAttributes; // delete cached promise when the geoApi `getAttribs` call fails, so it will be requested again next time `getAttributes` is called;
if (e === 'ABORTED') {
throw new Error('ABORTED');
} else {
throw new Error('Attrib loading failed');
return this._formattedAttributes;
module.exports = () => ({