'use strict';
// TODO consider splitting this module into different modules. in particular,
// file-based stuff vs server based stuff, and layer creation vs layer support
// TODO convert internal function header comments to JSDoc, and use the @private tag
const csv2geojson = require('csv2geojson');
const Terraformer = require('terraformer');
const shp = require('shpjs');
const ogc = require('./layer/ogc.js');
const bbox = require('./layer/bbox.js');
const layerRecord = require('./layer/layerRec/main.js');
const defaultRenderers = require('./defaultRenderers.json');
Terraformer.ArcGIS = require('terraformer-arcgis-parser');
* Maps GeoJSON geometry types to a set of default renders defined in GlobalStorage.DefaultRenders
* @property featureTypeToRenderer {Object}
* @private
const featureTypeToRenderer = {
Point: 'circlePoint',
MultiPoint: 'circlePoint',
LineString: 'solidLine',
MultiLineString: 'solidLine',
Polygon: 'outlinedPoly',
MultiPolygon: 'outlinedPoly'
* Different types of services that a URL could point to
* @property serviceType {Object}
const serviceType = {
CSV: 'csv',
GeoJSON: 'geojson',
Shapefile: 'shapefile',
FeatureLayer: 'featurelayer',
RasterLayer: 'rasterlayer',
GroupLayer: 'grouplayer',
TileService: 'tileservice',
FeatureService: 'featureservice',
DynamicService: 'dynamicservice',
ImageService: 'imageservice',
WMS: 'wms',
Unknown: 'unknown',
Error: 'error'
// returns a standard information object with serviceType
// supports predictLayerUrl
// type is serviceType enum value
function makeInfo(type) {
return {
serviceType: type,
index: -1,
tileSupport: false
* Returns a standard information object with info common for most ESRI endpoints
* .serviceName
* .serviceType
* .tileSupport
* .rootUrl
* @function makeLayerInfo
* @private
* @param {String} type serviceType enum value for layer
* @param {String} name property in json parameter containing a service name
* @param {String} url url we are investigating
* @param {Object} json data result from service we interrogated
* @returns {Object}
function makeLayerInfo(type, name, url, json) {
const info = makeInfo(type);
info.serviceName = json[name] || '';
info.rootUrl = url;
if (type === serviceType.TileService) {
info.tileSupport = true;
info.serviceType = serviceType.DynamicService;
return info;
// inspects the JSON that was returned from a service.
// if the JSON belongs to an ESRI endpoint, we do some terrible dog-logic to attempt
// to derive what type of endpoint it is (mainly by looking for properties that are
// unique to that type of service).
// returns an enumeration value (string) from serviceType based on the match found.
// non-esri services or unexpected esri services will return the .Unknown value
function crawlEsriService(srvJson) {
if (srvJson.type) {
// a layer endpoint (i.e. url ends with integer index)
const mapper = {
'Feature Layer': serviceType.FeatureLayer,
'Raster Layer': serviceType.RasterLayer,
'Group Layer': serviceType.GroupLayer
return mapper[srvJson.type] || serviceType.Unknown;
} else if (srvJson.hasOwnProperty('singleFusedMapCache')) {
if (srvJson.singleFusedMapCache) {
// a tile server
return serviceType.TileService;
} else {
// a map server
return serviceType.DynamicService;
} else if (srvJson.hasOwnProperty('allowGeometryUpdates')) {
// a feature server
return serviceType.FeatureService;
} else if (srvJson.hasOwnProperty('allowedMosaicMethods')) {
// an image server
return serviceType.ImageService;
} else {
return serviceType.Unknown;
* handles the situation where our first poke revealed a child layer
* (i.e. an indexed endpoint in an arcgis server). We need to extract
* some extra information about the service it resides in (the root service)
* and add it to our info package.
* @param {String} url the url of the original endpoint (including the index)
* @param {Object} esriBundle has ESRI API objects
* @param {Object} childInfo the information we have gathered on the child layer from the first poke
* @returns {Promise} resolves with information object containing child and root information
function repokeEsriService(url, esriBundle, childInfo) {
// break url into root and index
const re = /\/(\d+)\/?$/;
const matches = url.match(re);
if (!matches) {
// give up, dont crash with error.
console.warn('Cannot extract layer index from url ' + url);
return Promise.resolve(childInfo);
childInfo.index = parseInt(matches[1]);
childInfo.rootUrl = url.substr(0, url.length - matches[0].length); // will drop trailing slash
// inspect the server root
return pokeEsriService(childInfo.rootUrl, esriBundle).then(rootInfo => {
// take relevant info from root, mash it into our child package
childInfo.tileSupport = rootInfo.tileSupport;
childInfo.serviceType = rootInfo.serviceType;
childInfo.layers = rootInfo.layers;
return childInfo;
// given a URL, attempt to read it as an ESRI rest endpoint.
// returns a promise that resovles with an information object.
// at minimum, the object will have a .serviceType property with a value from the above enumeration.
// if the type is .Unknown, then we were unable to determine the url was an ESRI rest endpoint.
// otherwise, we were successful, and the information object will have other properties depending on the service type
// - .name : scraped from service, but may be rubbish (depends on service publisher). used as UI suggestion only
// - .fields : for feature layer service only. list of fields to allow user to pick name field
// - .geometryType : for feature layer service only. for help in defining the renderer, if required.
// - .layers : for dynamic layer service only. lists the child layers
function pokeEsriService(url, esriBundle, hint) {
// reaction functions to different esri services
const srvHandler = {};
srvHandler[serviceType.FeatureLayer] = srvJson => {
const info = makeLayerInfo(serviceType.FeatureLayer, 'name', url, srvJson);
info.fields = srvJson.fields;
info.geometryType = srvJson.geometryType;
info.smartDefaults = {
// TODO: try to find a name field if possible
primary: info.fields[0].name // pick the first field as primary and return its name for ui binding
info.indexType = serviceType.FeatureLayer;
return repokeEsriService(url, esriBundle, info);
srvHandler[serviceType.RasterLayer] = srvJson => {
const info = makeLayerInfo(serviceType.RasterLayer, 'name', url, srvJson);
info.indexType = serviceType.RasterLayer;
return repokeEsriService(url, esriBundle, info);
srvHandler[serviceType.GroupLayer] = srvJson => {
const info = makeLayerInfo(serviceType.GroupLayer, 'name', url, srvJson);
info.indexType = serviceType.GroupLayer;
return repokeEsriService(url, esriBundle, info);
srvHandler[serviceType.TileService] = srvJson => {
const info = makeLayerInfo(serviceType.TileService, 'mapName', url, srvJson);
info.layers = srvJson.layers;
return info;
srvHandler[serviceType.DynamicService] = srvJson => {
const info = makeLayerInfo(serviceType.DynamicService, 'mapName', url, srvJson);
info.layers = srvJson.layers;
return info;
srvHandler[serviceType.FeatureService] = srvJson => {
const info = makeLayerInfo(serviceType.FeatureService, 'description', url, srvJson);
info.layers = srvJson.layers;
return info;
srvHandler[serviceType.ImageService] = srvJson => {
const info = makeLayerInfo(serviceType.ImageService, 'name', url, srvJson);
info.fields = srvJson.fields;
return info;
// couldnt figure it out
srvHandler[serviceType.Unknown] = () => {
return makeInfo(serviceType.Unknown);
return new Promise(resolve => {
// extract info for this service
const defService = esriBundle.esriRequest({
url: url,
content: { f: 'json' },
callbackParamName: 'callback',
handleAs: 'json',
defService.then(srvResult => {
// request didnt fail, indicating it is likely an ArcGIS Server endpoint
let resultType = crawlEsriService(srvResult);
if (hint && resultType !== hint) {
// our hint doesn't match the service
resultType = serviceType.Unknown;
}, () => {
// something went wrong, but that doesnt mean our service is invalid yet
// it's likely not ESRI. return Error and let main predictor keep investigating
// tests a URL to see if the value is a file
// providing the known type as a hint will cause the function to run the
// specific logic for that file type, rather than guessing and trying everything
// resolves with promise of information object
// - serviceType : the type of file (CSV, Shape, GeoJSON, Unknown)
// - fileData : if the file is located on a server, will xhr
function pokeFile(url, hint) {
// reaction functions to different files
// overkill right now, as files just identify the type right now
// but structure will let us enhance for custom things if we need to
const fileHandler = {};
// csv
fileHandler[serviceType.CSV] = () => {
return makeInfo(serviceType.CSV);
// geojson
fileHandler[serviceType.GeoJSON] = () => {
return makeInfo(serviceType.GeoJSON);
// csv
fileHandler[serviceType.Shapefile] = () => {
return makeInfo(serviceType.Shapefile);
// couldnt figure it out
fileHandler[serviceType.Unknown] = () => {
// dont supply url, as we don't want to download random files
return makeInfo(serviceType.Unknown);
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (hint) {
// force the data extraction of the hinted format
} else {
// inspect the url for file extensions
let guessType = serviceType.Unknown;
switch (url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase()) {
// check for file extensions
case 'csv':
guessType = serviceType.CSV;
case 'zip':
guessType = serviceType.Shapefile;
case 'json':
guessType = serviceType.GeoJSON;
// tests a URL to see if the value is a wms
// resolves with promise of information object
// - serviceType : the type of service (WMS, Unknown)
function pokeWms(url, esriBundle) {
// FIXME add some WMS detection logic. that would be nice
console.log(url, esriBundle); // to stop jslint from quacking. remove when params are actually used
return Promise.resolve(makeInfo(serviceType.WMS));
function predictLayerUrlBuilder(esriBundle) {
* Attempts to determine what kind of layer the URL most likely is, and
* if possible, return back some useful information about the layer
* - serviceType: the type of layer the function thinks the url is referring to. is a value of serviceType enumeration (string)
* - fileData: file contents in an array buffer. only present if the URL points to a file that exists on an internet server (i.e. not a local disk drive)
* - name: best attempt at guessing the name of the service (string). only present for ESRI service URLs
* - fields: array of field definitions for the layer. conforms to ESRI's REST field standard. only present for feature layer and image service URLs.
* - geometryType: describes the geometry of the layer (string). conforms to ESRI's REST geometry type enum values. only present for feature layer URLs.
* - groupIdx: property only available if a group layer is queried. it is the layer index of the group layer in the list under its parent dynamic layer
* @method predictLayerUrl
* @param {String} url a url to something that is hopefully a map service
* @param {String} hint optional. allows the caller to specify the url type, forcing the function to run the data logic for that type
* @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with an infomation object
return (url, hint) => {
// TODO this function has lots of room to improve. there are many valid urls that it will
// fail to identify correctly in it's current state
// TODO refactor how this function works.
// wait for the web service request library to not be esri/request
// use new library to make a head call on the url provided
// examine the content type of the head call result
// if xml, assume WMS
// if json, assume esri (may need extra logic to differentiate from json file?)
// file case is explicit (e.g text/json)
// then hit appropriate handler, do a second web request for content if required
if (hint) {
// go directly to appropriate logic block
const hintToFlavour = {}; // why? cuz cyclomatic complexity + OBEY RULES
const flavourToHandler = {};
// hint type to hint flavour
hintToFlavour[serviceType.CSV] = 'F_FILE';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.GeoJSON] = 'F_FILE';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.Shapefile] = 'F_FILE';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.FeatureLayer] = 'F_ESRI';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.RasterLayer] = 'F_ESRI';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.GroupLayer] = 'F_ESRI';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.TileService] = 'F_ESRI';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.DynamicService] = 'F_ESRI';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.ImageService] = 'F_ESRI';
hintToFlavour[serviceType.WMS] = 'F_WMS';
// hint flavour to flavour-handler
flavourToHandler.F_FILE = () => {
return pokeFile(url, hint);
flavourToHandler.F_ESRI = () => {
return pokeEsriService(url, esriBundle, hint);
flavourToHandler.F_WMS = () => {
return pokeWms(url, esriBundle);
// execute handler. hint -> flavour -> handler -> run it -> promise
return flavourToHandler[hintToFlavour[hint]]();
} else {
// TODO restructure. this approach cleans up the pyramid of doom.
// Needs to add check for empty tests, resolve as unknown.
// Still a potential to take advantage of the nice structure. Will depend
// what comes first: WMS logic (adding a 3rd test), or changing the request
// library, meaning we get the type early from the head request.
tests = [pokeFile, pokeService];
function runTests() {
test = tests.pop();
test(url, esriBundle).then(info => {
if (info.serviceType !== serviceType.Unknown) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// no hint. run tests until we find a match.
// test for file
pokeFile(url).then(infoFile => {
if (infoFile.serviceType === serviceType.Unknown ||
infoFile.serviceType === serviceType.Error) {
// not a file, test for ESRI
pokeEsriService(url, esriBundle).then(infoEsri => {
if (infoEsri.serviceType === serviceType.Unknown ||
infoEsri.serviceType === serviceType.Error) {
// pokeWMS
} else {
// it was a esri service. rejoice.
// shortlived rejoice because grouped layers lul
if (infoEsri.serviceType === serviceType.GroupLayer) {
const lastSlash = url.lastIndexOf('/');
const layerIdx = parseInt(url.substring(lastSlash + 1));
url = url.substring(0, lastSlash);
pokeEsriService(url, esriBundle).then(infoDynamic => {
infoDynamic.groupIdx = layerIdx;
} else {
} else {
// it was a file. rejoice.
* Converts an array buffer to a string
* @method arrayBufferToString
* @private
* @param {Arraybuffer} buffer an array buffer containing stuff (ideally string-friendly)
* @returns {String} array buffer in string form
function arrayBufferToString(buffer) {
// handles UTF8 encoding
return new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(new Uint8Array(buffer));
* Performs validation on GeoJson object. Returns a promise resolving with the validation object.
* Worker function for validateFile, see that file for return value specs
* @method validateGeoJson
* @private
* @param {Object} geoJson feature collection in geojson form
* @returns {Promise} promise resolving with information on the geoJson object
function validateGeoJson(geoJson) {
// GeoJSON geometry type to ESRI geometry type
const geomMap = {
Point: 'esriGeometryPoint',
MultiPoint: 'esriGeometryMultipoint',
LineString: 'esriGeometryPolyline',
MultiLineString: 'esriGeometryPolyline',
Polygon: 'esriGeometryPolygon',
MultiPolygon: 'esriGeometryPolygon'
const fields = extractFields(geoJson);
const res = {
fields: fields,
geometryType: geomMap[geoJson.features[0].geometry.type],
formattedData: geoJson,
smartDefaults: {
// TODO: try to find a name field if possible
primary: fields[0].name // pick the first field as primary and return its name for ui binding
if (!res.geometryType) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Unexpected geometry type in GeoJSON'));
// TODO optional check: iterate through every feature, ensure geometry type and properties are all identical
return Promise.resolve(res);
* Performs validation on csv data. Returns a promise resolving with the validation object.
* Worker function for validateFile, see that file for return value specs
* @method validateCSV
* @private
* @param {Object} data csv data as string
* @returns {Promise} promise resolving with information on the csv data
function validateCSV(data) {
const formattedData = arrayBufferToString(data); // convert from arraybuffer to string to parsed csv. store string format for later
const rows = csvPeek(formattedData, ','); // FIXME: this assumes delimiter is a `,`; need validation
let errorMessage; // error message if any to return
// validations
if (rows.length === 0) {
// fail, no rows
errorMessage = 'File has no rows';
} else {
// field count of first row.
const fc = rows[0].length;
if (fc < 2) {
// fail not enough columns
errorMessage = 'File has less than two columns';
} else {
// check field counts of each row
if (rows.every(rowArr => rowArr.length === fc)) {
const res = {
smartDefaults: guessCSVfields(rows), // calculate smart defaults
// make field list esri-ish for consistancy
fields: rows[0].map(field => ({
name: field,
type: 'esriFieldTypeString'
geometryType: 'esriGeometryPoint' // always point for CSV
return Promise.resolve(res);
} else {
errorMessage = 'File has inconsistent column counts';
return Promise.reject(new Error(errorMessage));
* Validates file content. Does some basic checking for errors. Attempts to get field list, and
* if possible, provide the file in a more useful format. Promise rejection indicates failed validation
* - formattedData: file contents in a more useful format. JSON for GeoJSON and Shapefile. String for CSV
* - fields: array of field definitions for the file. conforms to ESRI's REST field standard.
* - geometryType: describes the geometry of the file (string). conforms to ESRI's REST geometry type enum values.
* @method validateFile
* @param {String} type the format of file. aligns to serviceType enum (CSV, Shapefile, GeoJSON)
* @param {Arraybuffer} data the file content in binary
* @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with an infomation object
function validateFile(type, data) {
const fileHandler = { // maps handlers for different file types
[serviceType.CSV]: data => validateCSV(data),
[serviceType.GeoJSON]: data => {
const geoJson = JSON.parse(arrayBufferToString(data));
return validateGeoJson(geoJson);
// convert from arraybuffer (containing zipped shapefile) to json (using shp library)
[serviceType.Shapefile]: data =>
shp(data).then(geoJson =>
// trigger off the appropriate handler, return promise
return fileHandler[type](data);
* From provided CSV data, guesses which columns are long and lat. If guessing is no successful, returns null for one or both fields.
* @method guessCSVfields
* @private
* @param {Array} rows csv data
* @return {Object} an object with lat and long string properties indicating corresponding field names
function guessCSVfields(rows) {
// magic regexes
// TODO: in case of performance issues with running regexes on large csv files, limit to, say, the first hundred rows
// TODO: explain regexes
const latValueRegex = new RegExp(/^[-+]?([1-8]?\d(\.\d+)?|90(\.0+)?)$/); // filters by field value
const longValueRegex = new RegExp(/^[-+]?(180(\.0+)?|((1[0-7]\d)|([1-9]?\d))(\.\d+)?)$/);
const latNameRegex = new RegExp(/^.*(y|la).*$/i); // filters by field name
const longNameRegex = new RegExp(/^.*(x|lo).*$/i);
const latCandidates = findCandidates(rows, latValueRegex, latNameRegex); // filter out all columns that are not lat based on row values
const longCandidates = findCandidates(rows, longValueRegex, longNameRegex); // filter out all columns that are not long based on row values
// console.log(latCandidates);
// console.log(longCandidates);
// pick the first lat guess or null
const lat = latCandidates[0] || null;
// pick the first long guess or null
const long = longCandidates.find(field => field !== lat) || null;
// for primary field, pick the first on that is not lat or long field or null
const primary = rows[0].find(field => field !== lat && field !== long) || null;
return {
function findCandidates(rows, valueRegex, nameRegex) {
const fields = rows[0]; // first row must be headers
const candidates =
fields.filter((field, index) =>
rows.every((row, rowIndex) =>
rowIndex === 0 || valueRegex.test(row[index]))) // skip first row as its just headers
.filter(field => nameRegex.test(field));
return candidates;
function serverLayerIdentifyBuilder(esriBundle) {
// TODO we are using layerIds option property as it aligns with what the ESRI identify parameter
// object uses. However, in r2 terminology, a layerId is specific to a full map layer, not
// indexes of a single dynamic layer. for clarity, could consider renaming to .visibleLayers
// and then map the value to the .layerIds property inside this function.
* Perform a server-side identify on a layer (usually an ESRI dynamic layer)
* Accepts the following options:
* - geometry: Required. geometry in map co-ordinates for the area to identify.
* will usually be an ESRI Point, though a polygon would work.
* - mapExtent: Required. ESRI Extent of the current map view
* - width: Required. Width of the map in pixels
* - height: Required. Height of the map in pixels
* - layerIds: an array of integers specifying the layer indexes to be examined. Will override the current
* visible indexes in the layer parameter
* - returnGeometry: a boolean indicating if result geometery should be returned with results. Defaults to false
* - tolerance: an integer indicating how many screen pixels away from the mouse is valid for a hit. Defaults to 5
* @method serverLayerIdentify
* @param {Object} layer an ESRI dynamic layer object
* @param {Object} opts An object for supplying additional parameters
* @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with an array of identify results (empty array if no hits)
return (layer, opts) => {
const identParams = new esriBundle.IdentifyParameters();
// pluck treats from options parameter
if (opts) {
const reqOpts = ['geometry', 'mapExtent', 'height', 'width'];
reqOpts.forEach(optProp => {
if (opts[optProp]) {
identParams[optProp] = opts[optProp];
} else {
throw new Error(`serverLayerIdentify - missing opts.${ optProp } arguement`);
identParams.layerIds = opts.layerIds || layer.visibleLayers;
identParams.returnGeometry = opts.returnGeometry || false;
identParams.layerOption = esriBundle.IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_ALL;
identParams.spatialReference = opts.geometry.spatialReference;
identParams.tolerance = opts.tolerance || 5;
// TODO add support for identParams.layerDefinitions once attribute filtering is implemented
} else {
throw new Error('serverLayerIdentify - missing opts arguement');
// asynch an identify task
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const identify = new esriBundle.IdentifyTask(layer.url);
// TODO possibly tack on the layer.id to the resolved thing so we know which parent layer returned?
// would only be required if the caller is mashing promises together and using Promise.all()
identify.on('complete', result => {
identify.on('error', err => {
* Performs in place assignment of integer ids for a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
* If at least one feature has an existing id outside the geoJson properties section,
* the original id value is copied in a newly created property ID_FILE of the properties object
* and the existing id value is replaced by an autogenerated number.
* Features without existing id from that same dataset will get a new properties ID_FILE
* with an empty string as value.
* If at least one feature has an existing OBJECTID inside the geoJson properties section,
* the original OBJECTID value is copied in a newly created property OBJECTID_FILE of the properties object
* and the existing OBJECTID value is replaced by an autogenerated number.
* Features without existing OBJECTID from that same dataset will get a new properties OBJECTID_FILE
* with an empty string as value.
function assignIds(geoJson) {
if (geoJson.type !== 'FeatureCollection') {
throw new Error('Assignment can only be performed on FeatureCollections');
let emptyID = true;
let emptyObjID = true;
// for every feature, if it does not have an id property, add it.
// 0 is not a valid object id
geoJson.features.forEach(function (val, idx) {
Object.assign(val.properties, { ID_FILE: '', OBJECTID_FILE: '' });
// to avoid double ID columns outside properties
if ('id' in val && typeof val.id !== 'undefined') {
val.properties.ID_FILE = val.id;
emptyID = false;
// to avoid double OBJECTID columns. Useful for both geojson and CSV file.
if ('OBJECTID' in val.properties) {
val.properties.OBJECTID_FILE = val.properties.OBJECTID;
delete val.properties.OBJECTID;
emptyObjID = false;
val.id = idx + 1;
// remove ID_FILE if all empty
if (emptyID) {
geoJson.features.forEach(function (val) {
delete val.properties.ID_FILE;
// remove OBJECTID_FILE if all empty
if (emptyObjID) {
geoJson.features.forEach(function (val) {
delete val.properties.OBJECTID_FILE;
* Extracts fields from the first feature in the feature collection, does no
* guesswork on property types and calls everything a string.
function extractFields(geoJson) {
if (geoJson.features.length < 1) {
throw new Error('Field extraction requires at least one feature');
return Object.keys(geoJson.features[0].properties).map(function (prop) {
return { name: prop, type: 'esriFieldTypeString' };
* Rename any fields with invalid names. Both parameters are modified in place.
* @function cleanUpFields
* @param {Object} geoJson layer data in geoJson format
* @param {Object} layerDefinition layer definition of feature layer not yet created
function cleanUpFields(geoJson, layerDefinition) {
loop through layerDef fields
if we find a bad field
store orig name
make a new name -- spaces to underscore
check if new name exists fields
if yes, increase underscores
if no, exit loop
end loop
add alias to fieldDef equal to name
update fieldDef name to be newName
loop through geoJson features
update new property
delete old property
end if
const badField = name => {
// basic for now. check for spaces.
return name.indexOf(' ') > -1;
layerDefinition.fields.forEach(f => {
if (badField(f.name)) {
const oldField = f.name;
let newField;
let underscore = '_';
let badNewName;
// determine a new field name that is not bad and is unique, then update the field definition
do {
newField = oldField.replace(/ /g, underscore);
badNewName = layerDefinition.fields.find(f2 => f2.name === newField);
if (badNewName) {
// new field already exists. enhance it
underscore += '_';
} while (badNewName)
f.alias = oldField;
f.name = newField;
// update the geoJson to reflect the field name change.
geoJson.features.forEach(gf => {
gf.properties[newField] = gf.properties[oldField];
delete gf.properties[oldField];
* Makes an attempt to load and register a projection definition.
* Returns promise resolving when process is complete
* projModule - proj module from geoApi
* projCode - the string or int epsg code we want to lookup
* epsgLookup - function that will do the epsg lookup, taking code and returning promise of result or null
function projectionLookup(projModule, projCode, epsgLookup) {
// look up projection definitions if it's not already loaded and we have enough info
if (!projModule.getProjection(projCode) && epsgLookup && projCode) {
return epsgLookup(projCode).then(projDef => {
if (projDef) {
// register projection
projModule.addProjection(projCode, projDef);
return projDef;
} else {
return Promise.resolve(null);
function makeGeoJsonLayerBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi) {
* Converts a GeoJSON object into a FeatureLayer. Expects GeoJSON to be formed as a FeatureCollection
* containing a uniform feature type (FeatureLayer type will be set according to the type of the first
* feature entry). Accepts the following options:
* - targetWkid: Required. an integer for an ESRI wkid to project geometries to
* - renderer: a string identifying one of the properties in defaultRenders
* - sourceProjection: a string matching a proj4.defs projection to be used for the source data (overrides
* geoJson.crs)
* - fields: an array of fields to be appended to the FeatureLayer layerDefinition (OBJECTID is set by default)
* - epsgLookup: a function that takes an EPSG code (string or number) and returns a promise of a proj4 style
* definition or null if not found
* - layerId: a string to use as the layerId
* - colour: a hex string to define the symbol colour. e.g. '#33DD6A'
* @method makeGeoJsonLayer
* @param {Object} geoJson An object following the GeoJSON specification, should be a FeatureCollection with
* Features of only one type
* @param {Object} opts An object for supplying additional parameters
* @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with a {FeatureLayer}
return (geoJson, opts) => {
// TODO add documentation on why we only support layers with WKID (and not WKT).
let targetWkid;
let srcProj = 'EPSG:4326'; // 4326 is the default for GeoJSON with no projection defined
let layerId;
const layerDefinition = {
objectIdField: 'OBJECTID',
fields: [
name: 'OBJECTID',
type: 'esriFieldTypeOID',
// ensure our features have ids
layerDefinition.drawingInfo =
// attempt to get spatial reference from geoJson
if (geoJson.crs && geoJson.crs.type === 'name') {
srcProj = geoJson.crs.properties.name;
// pluck treats from options parameter
if (opts) {
if (opts.sourceProjection) {
srcProj = opts.sourceProjection;
if (opts.targetWkid) {
targetWkid = opts.targetWkid;
} else {
throw new Error('makeGeoJsonLayer - missing opts.targetWkid arguement');
if (opts.fields) {
layerDefinition.fields = layerDefinition.fields.concat(opts.fields);
if (opts.layerId) {
layerId = opts.layerId;
} else {
layerId = geoApi.shared.generateUUID();
// TODO add support for renderer option, or drop the option
} else {
throw new Error('makeGeoJsonLayer - missing opts arguement');
if (layerDefinition.fields.length === 1) {
// caller has not supplied custom field list. so take them all.
layerDefinition.fields = layerDefinition.fields.concat(extractFields(geoJson));
// clean the fields. in particular, CSV files can be loaded with spaces in
// the field names
cleanUpFields(geoJson, layerDefinition);
const destProj = 'EPSG:' + targetWkid;
// look up projection definitions if they don't already exist and we have enough info
const srcLookup = projectionLookup(geoApi.proj, srcProj, opts.epsgLookup);
const destLookup = projectionLookup(geoApi.proj, destProj, opts.epsgLookup);
// make the layer
const buildLayer = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// project data and convert to esri json format
// console.log('reprojecting ' + srcProj + ' -> EPSG:' + targetWkid);
geoApi.proj.projectGeojson(geoJson, destProj, srcProj);
const esriJson = Terraformer.ArcGIS.convert(geoJson, { sr: targetWkid });
const geometryType = layerDefinition.drawingInfo.geometryType;
const fs = {
features: esriJson,
const layer = new esriBundle.FeatureLayer(
layerDefinition: layerDefinition,
featureSet: fs
}, {
mode: esriBundle.FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT,
id: layerId
// \(`O´)/ manually setting SR because it will come out as 4326
layer.spatialReference = new esriBundle.SpatialReference({ wkid: targetWkid });
if (opts.colour) {
layer.renderer.symbol.color = new esriBundle.Color(opts.colour);
// initializing layer using JSON does not set this property. do it manually.
layer.geometryType = geometryType;
// call promises in order
return srcLookup
.then(() => destLookup)
.then(() => buildLayer());
function makeCsvLayerBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi) {
* Constructs a FeatureLayer from CSV data. Accepts the following options:
* - targetWkid: Required. an integer for an ESRI wkid the spatial reference the returned layer should be in
* - renderer: a string identifying one of the properties in defaultRenders
* - fields: an array of fields to be appended to the FeatureLayer layerDefinition (OBJECTID is set by default)
* - latfield: a string identifying the field containing latitude values ('Lat' by default)
* - lonfield: a string identifying the field containing longitude values ('Long' by default)
* - delimiter: a string defining the delimiter character of the file (',' by default)
* - epsgLookup: a function that takes an EPSG code (string or number) and returns a promise of a proj4 style
* definition or null if not found
* - layerId: a string to use as the layerId
* - colour: a hex string to define the symbol colour. e.g. '#33DD6A'
* @param {string} csvData the CSV data to be processed
* @param {object} opts options to be set for the parser
* @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with a {FeatureLayer}
return (csvData, opts) => {
const csvOpts = { // default values
latfield: 'Lat',
lonfield: 'Long',
delimiter: ','
// user options if
if (opts) {
if (opts.latfield) {
csvOpts.latfield = opts.latfield;
if (opts.lonfield) {
csvOpts.lonfield = opts.lonfield;
if (opts.delimiter) {
csvOpts.delimiter = opts.delimiter;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
csv2geojson.csv2geojson(csvData, csvOpts, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.warn('csv conversion error');
} else {
// csv2geojson will not include the lat and long in the feature
data.features.map(feature => {
// add new property Long and Lat before layer is generated
feature.properties[csvOpts.lonfield] = feature.geometry.coordinates[0];
feature.properties[csvOpts.latfield] = feature.geometry.coordinates[1];
// TODO are we at risk adding params to the var that was passed in? should we make a copy and modify the copy?
opts.sourceProjection = 'EPSG:4326'; // csv is always latlong
opts.renderer = 'circlePoint'; // csv is always latlong
// NOTE: since makeGeoJsonLayer is a "built" function, grab the built version from our link to api object
geoApi.layer.makeGeoJsonLayer(data, opts).then(jsonLayer => {
* Peek at the CSV output (useful for checking headers)
* @param {string} csvData the CSV data to be processed
* @param {string} delimiter the delimiter used by the data
* @returns {Array} an array of arrays containing the parsed CSV
function csvPeek(csvData, delimiter) {
return csv2geojson.dsv.dsvFormat(delimiter).parseRows(csvData);
function makeShapeLayerBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi) {
* Constructs a FeatureLayer from Shapefile data. Accepts the following options:
* - targetWkid: Required. an integer for an ESRI wkid the spatial reference the returned layer should be in
* - renderer: a string identifying one of the properties in defaultRenders
* - sourceProjection: a string matching a proj4.defs projection to be used for the source data (overrides
* geoJson.crs)
* - fields: an array of fields to be appended to the FeatureLayer layerDefinition (OBJECTID is set by default)
* - epsgLookup: a function that takes an EPSG code (string or number) and returns a promise of a proj4 style
* definition or null if not found
* - layerId: a string to use as the layerId
* - colour: a hex string to define the symbol colour. e.g. '#33DD6A'
* @param {ArrayBuffer} shapeData an ArrayBuffer of the Shapefile in zip format
* @param {object} opts options to be set for the parser
* @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with a {FeatureLayer}
return (shapeData, opts) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// turn shape into geojson
shp(shapeData).then(geoJson => {
// turn geojson into feature layer
// NOTE: since makeGeoJsonLayer is a "built" function, grab the built version from our link to api object
geoApi.layer.makeGeoJsonLayer(geoJson, opts).then(jsonLayer => {
}).catch(err => {
function createImageRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, classBundle) {
* Creates an Image Layer Record class
* @param {Object} config layer config values
* @param {Object} esriLayer an optional pre-constructed layer
* @param {Function} epsgLookup an optional lookup function for EPSG codes (see geoService for signature)
* @returns {Object} instantited ImageRecord class
return (config, esriLayer, epsgLookup) => {
return new classBundle.ImageRecord(esriBundle.ArcGISImageServiceLayer, geoApi, config, esriLayer, epsgLookup);
function createFeatureRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, classBundle) {
* Creates an Feature Layer Record class
* @param {Object} config layer config values
* @param {Object} esriLayer an optional pre-constructed layer
* @param {Function} epsgLookup an optional lookup function for EPSG codes (see geoService for signature)
* @returns {Object} instantited FeatureRecord class
return (config, esriLayer, epsgLookup) => {
return new classBundle.FeatureRecord(esriBundle.FeatureLayer, esriBundle.esriRequest,
geoApi, config, esriLayer, epsgLookup);
function createDynamicRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, classBundle) {
* Creates an Dynamic Layer Record class
* See DynamicRecord constructor for more detailed info on configIsComplete.
* @param {Object} config layer config values
* @param {Object} esriLayer an optional pre-constructed layer
* @param {Function} epsgLookup an optional lookup function for EPSG codes (see geoService for signature)
* @param {Boolean} configIsComplete an optional flag to indicate all child state values are provided in the config and should be used.
* @returns {Object} instantited DynamicRecord class
return (config, esriLayer, epsgLookup, configIsComplete = false) => {
return new classBundle.DynamicRecord(esriBundle.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, esriBundle.esriRequest,
geoApi, config, esriLayer, epsgLookup, configIsComplete);
function createTileRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, classBundle) {
* Creates an Tile Layer Record class
* @param {Object} config layer config values
* @param {Object} esriLayer an optional pre-constructed layer
* @param {Function} epsgLookup an optional lookup function for EPSG codes (see geoService for signature)
* @returns {Object} instantited TileRecord class
return (config, esriLayer, epsgLookup) => {
return new classBundle.TileRecord(esriBundle.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, geoApi, config,
esriLayer, epsgLookup);
function createWmsRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, classBundle) {
* Creates an WMS Layer Record class
* @param {Object} config layer config values
* @param {Object} esriLayer an optional pre-constructed layer
* @param {Function} epsgLookup an optional lookup function for EPSG codes (see geoService for signature)
* @returns {Object} instantited WmsRecord class
return (config, esriLayer, epsgLookup) => {
return new classBundle.WmsRecord(esriBundle.WmsLayer, geoApi, config, esriLayer, epsgLookup);
* Given 2D array in column x row format, check if all entries in the two given columns are numeric.
* @param {Array} arr is a 2D array based on the CSV file that contains row information for all of the rows
* @param {Integer} ind1 is a user specified index when uploading the CSV that specifies lat or long column (whichever isn't specified by ind2)
* @param {Integer} ind2 is a user specified index when uploading the CSV that specifies lat or long column (whichever isn't specified by ind1)
* @return {Boolean} returns true or false based on whether or not all all columns at ind1 and ind2 are numbers
function validateLatLong(arr, ind1, ind2) {
return arr.every(row => {
return !(isNaN(row[ind1]) || isNaN(row[ind2]));
// we are passing in a reference to geoApi. it is a pointer to the object that contains this module,
// along with other modules. it lets us access other modules without re-instantiating them in here.
module.exports = function (esriBundle, geoApi) {
const layerClassBundle = layerRecord(esriBundle, geoApi);
return {
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer: esriBundle.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer,
ArcGISImageServiceLayer: esriBundle.ArcGISImageServiceLayer,
GraphicsLayer: esriBundle.GraphicsLayer,
FeatureLayer: esriBundle.FeatureLayer,
ScreenPoint: esriBundle.ScreenPoint,
Query: esriBundle.Query,
TileLayer: esriBundle.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer,
ogc: ogc(esriBundle),
bbox: bbox(esriBundle, geoApi),
createImageRecord: createImageRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, layerClassBundle),
createWmsRecord: createWmsRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, layerClassBundle),
createTileRecord: createTileRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, layerClassBundle),
createDynamicRecord: createDynamicRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, layerClassBundle),
createFeatureRecord: createFeatureRecordBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi, layerClassBundle),
LayerDrawingOptions: esriBundle.LayerDrawingOptions,
makeGeoJsonLayer: makeGeoJsonLayerBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi),
makeCsvLayer: makeCsvLayerBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi),
makeShapeLayer: makeShapeLayerBuilder(esriBundle, geoApi),
serverLayerIdentify: serverLayerIdentifyBuilder(esriBundle),
predictLayerUrl: predictLayerUrlBuilder(esriBundle),