'use strict';
const basemap = require('./basemap.js');
const mapPrint = require('./print.js');
function esriMap(esriBundle, geoApi) {
const printModule = mapPrint(esriBundle);
class Map {
static get Extent () { return esriBundle.Extent; }
constructor (domNode, opts) {
this._map = new esriBundle.Map(domNode, { extent: opts.extent, lods: opts.lods });
if (opts.proxyUrl) {
this.proxy = opts.proxyUrl;
if (opts.basemaps) {
this.basemapGallery = basemap.initBasemaps(esriBundle, opts.basemaps, this._map);
this.basemapGallery.on('selection-change', () => this.resetOverviewMap());
} else {
throw new Error('The basemaps option is required to and at least one basemap must be defined');
if (opts.scalebar) {
this.scalebar = new esriBundle.Scalebar({
map: this._map,
attachTo: opts.scalebar.attachTo,
scalebarUnit: opts.scalebar.scalebarUnit
if (opts.overviewMap) {
printLocal (options) { return printModule.printLocal(this._map, options); }
printServer (options) { return printModule.printServer(this._map, options); }
* Create an ESRI Extent object from extent setting JSON object.
* @function getExtentFromJson
* @param {Object} extentJson that follows config spec
* @return {Object} an ESRI Extent object
static getExtentFromJson (extentJson) {
return esriBundle.Extent({ xmin: extentJson.xmin, ymin: extentJson.ymin,
xmax: extentJson.xmax, ymax: extentJson.ymax,
spatialReference: { wkid: extentJson.spatialReference.wkid } });
* Finds the level of detail closest to the provided scale.
* @function findClosestLOD
* @param {Array} lods list of levels of detail objects
* @param {Number} scale scale value to search for in the levels of detail
* @return {Object} the level of detail object closest to the scale
static findClosestLOD (lods, scale) {
const diffs = lods.map(lod => Math.abs(lod.scale - scale));
const lodIdx = diffs.indexOf(Math.min(...diffs));
return lods[lodIdx];
* Calculate north arrow bearing. Angle returned is to to rotate north arrow image.
* http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
* @function getNorthArrowAngle
* @returns {Number} map rotation angle (in degree)
getNorthArrowAngle () {
// get center point in longitude and use bottom value for latitude
const pointB = geoApi.proj.localProjectPoint(this._map.extent.spatialReference, 'EPSG:4326',
{ x: (this._map.extent.xmin + this._map.extent.xmax) / 2, y: this._map.extent.ymin });
// north value (set longitude to be half of Canada extent (141° W, 52° W))
const pointA = { x: -96, y: 90 };
// set info on longitude and latitude
const dLon = (pointB.x - pointA.x) * Math.PI / 180;
const lat1 = pointA.y * Math.PI / 180;
const lat2 = pointB.y * Math.PI / 180;
// calculate bearing
const y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
const x = Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(dLon);
const bearing = Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI;
// return angle (180 is pointiong north)
return ((bearing + 360) % 360).toFixed(1);
* Calculate distance between min and max extent to know the pixel ratio between
* screen size and earth distance.
* http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
* @function getScaleRatio
* @param {Number} mapWidth optional the map width to use to calculate ratio
* @returns {Object} contain information about the scale
* - distance: distance between min and max extentId
* - ratio: measure for 1 pixel in earth distance
* - units: array of units [metric, imperial]
getScaleRatio (mapWidth = 0) {
const map = this._map;
// get left and right maximum value point to calculate distance from
const pointA = geoApi.proj.localProjectPoint(map.spatialReference, 'EPSG:4326',
{ x: map.extent.xmin, y: (map.extent.ymin + map.extent.ymax) / 2 });
const pointB = geoApi.proj.localProjectPoint(map.spatialReference, 'EPSG:4326',
{ x: map.extent.xmax, y: (map.extent.ymin + map.extent.ymax) / 2 });
// Haversine formula to calculate distance
const R = 6371e3; // earth radius in meters
const rad = Math.PI / 180;
const phy1 = pointA.y * rad; // radiant
const phy2 = pointB.y * rad; // radiant
const deltaPhy = (pointB.y - pointA.y) * rad; // radiant
const deltaLambda = (pointB.x - pointA.x) * rad; // radiant
const a = Math.sin(deltaPhy / 2) * Math.sin(deltaPhy / 2) +
Math.cos(phy1) * Math.cos(phy2) *
Math.sin(deltaLambda / 2) * Math.sin(deltaLambda / 2);
const c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
const d = (R * c);
// set map / image width (if mapWidth = 0, use map.width)
const width = mapWidth ? mapWidth : map.width;
// get unit from distance, set distance and ratio (earth size for 1 pixel)
const units = [(d > 1000) ? 'km' : 'm', (d > 1600) ? 'mi' : 'ft'];
const distance = (d > 1000) ? d / 1000 : d;
const ratio = distance / width;
return { distance, ratio, units };
* Compares to sets of co-ordinates for extents (valid for both x and y). If center of input co-ordinates falls outside
* map co-ordiantes, function will adjust them so the center is inside the map co-ordinates.
* @function clipExtentCoords
* @private
* @param {Numeric} mid middle of the the range to test
* @param {Numeric} max maximum value of the range to test
* @param {Numeric} min minimum value of the range to test
* @param {Numeric} mapMax maximum value of the map range
* @param {Numeric} mapMin minimum value of the map range
* @param {Numeric} len length of the adjusted range, if adjusted
* @return {Array} two element array of Numeric, containing result max and min values
static clipExtentCoords (mid, max, min, mapMax, mapMin, len) {
if (mid > mapMax) {
[max, min] = [mapMax, mapMax - len];
} else if (mid < mapMin) {
[max, min] = [mapMin + len, mapMin];
return [max, min];
* Checks if the center of the given extent is outside of the maximum extent. If it is,
* will determine an adjusted extent with a center inside the maximum extent. Returns both
* an indicator flag if an adjustment happened, and the adjusted extent.
* @function enforceBoundary
* @param {Object} extent an ESRI extent to test
* @param {Object} maxExtent an ESRI extent indicating the boundary of the map
* @return {Object} an object with two properties. adjusted - boolean, true if extent was adjusted. newExtent - object, adjusted ESRI extent
static enforceBoundary (extent, maxExtent) {
// clone extent
const newExtent = esriBundle.Extent(extent.toJson());
// determine dimensions of adjusted extent.
// same as input, unless input is so large it consumes max.
// in that case, we shrink to the max. This avoids the "washing machine"
// bug where we over-correct past the valid range,
// and achieve infinite oscillating pans
const height = Math.min(extent.getHeight(), maxExtent.getHeight());
const width = Math.min(extent.getWidth(), maxExtent.getWidth());
const center = extent.getCenter();
[newExtent.xmax, newExtent.xmin] =
this.clipExtentCoords(center.x, newExtent.xmax, newExtent.xmin, maxExtent.xmax, maxExtent.xmin, width);
[newExtent.ymax, newExtent.ymin] =
this.clipExtentCoords(center.y, newExtent.ymax, newExtent.ymin, maxExtent.ymax, maxExtent.ymin, height);
return {
adjusted: !extent.contains(newExtent) // true if we adjusted the extent
initOverviewMap () {
this.overviewMap = new esriBundle.OverviewMap({ map: this._map, expandFactor: 1, visible: true });
resetOverviewMap () {
* Sets or gets map default config values.
* @function mapDefault
* @param {String} key name of the default property
* @param {Any} [value] optional value to set for the specified default property
mapDefault (key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
return esriBundle.esriConfig.defaults.map[key];
} else {
esriBundle.esriConfig.defaults.map[key] = value;
* Set proxy service URL to avoid same origin issues.
set proxy (proxyUrl) { esriBundle.esriConfig.defaults.io.proxyUrl = proxyUrl; }
get proxy () { return esriBundle.esriConfig.defaults.io.proxyUrl; }
set basemapGallery (val) { this._basemapGallery = val; }
get basemapGallery () { return this._basemapGallery; }
set scalebar (val) { this._scalebar = val; }
get scalebar () { return this._scalebar; }
set overviewMap (val) { this._overviewMap = val; }
get overviewMap () { return this._overviewMap; }
return Map;
* The `MapManager` module exports an object with the following properties:
* - `Extent` esri/geometry type
* - `Map` esri/map type
* - `OverviewMap` esri/dijit/OverviewMap type
* - `Scalebar` sri/dijit/Scalebar type
* - `getExtentFromSetting function to create an ESRI Extent object from extent setting JSON object.
* - `setupMap` function that interates over config settings and apply logic for any items present.
* - `setProxy` function to set proxy service URL to avoid same origin issues
// mapManager module, provides function to setup a map
module.exports = (esriBundle, geoApi) => esriMap(esriBundle, geoApi);