const templateUrl = require('../form.html');
* @module avServices
* @memberof app.ui
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `avServices` directive for the services form
.directive('avServices', avServices);
* `avServices` directive body.
* @function avServices
* @return {object} directive body
function avServices() {
const directive = {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { },
controller: Controller,
controllerAs: 'self',
bindToController: true,
link: (scope, element, attrs) => {
scope.$on('sf-render-finished', (scope, element) => {
return directive;
function Controller($scope, $translate, events, modelManager, stateManager, formService) {
const self = this;
self.modelName = 'services';
self.sectionName = $translate.instant('');
self.formService = formService;
// when schema is loaded or create new config is hit, initialize the schema, form and model
events.$on(events.avSchemaUpdate, () => {
$scope.model = modelManager.getModel(self.modelName);
// when user load a config file, set form and model
events.$on(events.avLoadModel, () => {
modelManager.updateModel($scope, self.modelName);
// when user change language, reset schema and form
events.$on(events.avSwitchLanguage, () => {
self.sectionName = $translate.instant('');
function init() {
$scope.schema = modelManager.getSchema(self.modelName);
$scope.form = angular.copy($scope.form);
$scope.form = setForm();
events.$on(events.avValidateForm, () => {
stateManager.validateModel(self.modelName, $scope.activeForm, $scope.form[0].tabs, $scope.model);
function setForm() {
return [
{ 'type': 'tabs', 'tabs': [
{ 'title': $translate.instant('form.service.urls'), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'proxyUrl', 'htmlClass': 'av-form-advance hidden', 'readonly': true },
{ 'key': 'exportMapUrl', 'htmlClass': 'av-form-advance hidden', 'readonly': true },
{ 'key': 'geometryUrl', 'htmlClass': 'av-form-advance hidden', 'readonly': true },
{ 'key': 'googleAPIKey', 'htmlClass': 'av-form-advance hidden', 'readonly': true },
{ 'key': 'geolocation', 'htmlClass': 'av-form-advance hidden', 'readonly': true },
{ 'key': 'coordInfo' },
{ 'key': 'print' }
{ 'title': $translate.instant('form.service.geosearch'),
'key': 'search', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'search.serviceUrls', 'readonly': true },
{ 'key': 'search.disabledSearches', 'titleMap': {
'NTS': $translate.instant('form.service.nts'),
'FSA': $translate.instant('form.service.fsa'),
'LAT/LNG': 'Latitude / Longitude'
} }
] },
{ 'title': $translate.instant('form.service.export'),
'key': 'export', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'export.title', 'items': [
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.title.titleValue' }]
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.title.isSelected' }]
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.title.isSelectable' }]
] },
{ 'key': '', 'items': [
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': '' }]
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': '' }]
] },
{ 'key': 'export.legend', 'items': [
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.legend.isSelected' }]
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.legend.isSelectable' }]
] },
{ 'key': 'export.mapElements', 'items': [
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.mapElements.isSelected' }]
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.mapElements.isSelectable' }]
] },
{ 'key': 'export.footnote', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'export.footnote.footnoteValue', 'notitle': true },
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.footnote.isSelected' }]
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.footnote.isSelectable' }]
] },
{ 'key': 'export.timestamp', 'items': [
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.timestamp.isSelected' }]
'type': 'section', 'items': [{ 'key': 'export.timestamp.isSelectable' }]
] }
] }
] }