const templateUrl = require('../form.html');
* @module avMap
* @memberof app.ui
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `avMap` directive for the map form
.directive('avMap', avMap);
* `avMap` directive body.
* @function avMap
* @return {object} directive body
function avMap() {
const directive = {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { },
controller: Controller,
controllerAs: 'self',
bindToController: true,
link: (scope, element, attrs) => {
scope.$on('sf-render-finished', (scope, element) => {
return directive;
function Controller($scope, $translate, $timeout,
events, modelManager, stateManager, formService, debounceService, constants, layerService, commonService) {
const self = this;
self.modelName = 'map';
self.sectionName = $translate.instant('');
self.formService = formService;
// when schema is loaded or create new config is hit, initialize the schema, form and model
events.$on(events.avSchemaUpdate, () => {
$scope.model = modelManager.getModel(self.modelName);
// when user load a config file, set form and model
events.$on(events.avLoadModel, () => {
modelManager.updateModel($scope, self.modelName);
// when user change language, reset schema and form
events.$on(events.avSwitchLanguage, () => {
self.sectionName = $translate.instant('');
function init() {
$scope.schema = modelManager.getSchema(self.modelName);
$scope.form = angular.copy($scope.form);
$scope.form = setForm();
// set dynamic values drop-down
self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['extentSets', 'id'], 'extentId');
self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['lodSets', 'id'], 'lodId');
self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['baseMaps', 'id'], 'initBaseId');
self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['tileSchemas', 'id'], 'tileId');
self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['layers', 'id'], 'initLayerId', 'avLayersIdUpdate');
$timeout(() => setCollapsibleHeader(), constants.delayCollapseLink);
// set default structure legend values
events.$on(events.avValidateForm, () => {
stateManager.validateModel(self.modelName, $scope.activeForm, $scope.form[0].tabs, $scope.model);
* Initialize header (collapsible element) value (form element) from model values when it loads.
* @function setCollapsibleHeader
function setCollapsibleHeader() {
// set collapsible element from model value when first load
$timeout(() => {
// set the class element to get { class, index in the array (-1 to get all) }
const baseClass = [{ 'cls': 'av-baseMaps', 'ind': -1 }];
const layerClass = [{ 'cls': 'av-layers', 'ind': -1 }];
// set basemaps and layers (model, class elements, field to use to update, item to update)
self.formService.initValueToFormIndex($scope.model.baseMaps, baseClass, 'name', 'legend.0')
self.formService.initValueToFormIndex($scope.model.layers, layerClass, 'name', 'legend.0')
// loop trought layers to set children (layer entry and columns for table)
if (typeof $scope.model.layers !== 'undefined') {
for (let [layerIndex, layer] of $scope.model.layers.entries()) {
// set layer entries
if (typeof layer.layerEntries !== 'undefined') {
setCollapsibleHeaderEntry(layer.layerType, layerIndex, layer.layerEntries);
// set columns if need be
if (typeof layer.table !== 'undefined' && typeof layer.table.columns !== 'undefined') {
let columnClass = [
{ 'cls': 'av-layers', 'ind': layerIndex },
{ 'cls': 'av-columns', 'ind': -1 }
self.formService.initValueToFormIndex(layer.table.columns, columnClass, 'title', 'legend.0');
}, constants.delayCollapseHeader);
* Initialize header (collapsible element) value (form element) for layer entry from model values when it loads.
* @function setCollapsibleHeaderEntry
* @param {String} layerType type of layer
* @param {Integer} layerIndex index of the layer inside the array
* @param {Array} entries array of layer entries
function setCollapsibleHeaderEntry(layerType, layerIndex, entries) {
const entryClass = [
{ 'cls': 'av-layers', 'ind': layerIndex },
{ 'cls': 'av-layerEntries', 'ind': -1 }
// set entry for esriDynamic and ogcWMS
if (layerType === 'esriDynamic') {
self.formService.initValueToFormIndex(entries, entryClass, 'index', 'legend.0');
// set columns if need be
for (let [entryIndex, entries] of entries.entries()) {
if (typeof entries.table !== 'undefined' && typeof entries.table.columns !== 'undefined') {
let columnClass = [
{ 'cls': 'av-layers', 'ind': layerIndex },
{ 'cls': 'av-layerEntries', 'ind': entryIndex },
{ 'cls': 'av-columns', 'ind': -1 }
self.formService.initValueToFormIndex(entries.table.columns, columnClass, 'title', 'legend.0');
} else if (layerType === 'ogcWms') {
self.formService.initValueToFormIndex(entries, entryClass, 'id', 'legend.0');
function setColumns(event, item) {
// get the element for dynamic and feature layer
const currTarget = $(event.currentTarget);
const elementDyn = currTarget.closest('.av-layer')[0];
const elementFeat = currTarget.closest('.av-layerEntry')[0];
// get the index of current layer to get the model and the layerEntry index to get the feature class
const indexLayer = elementDyn.getAttribute('sf-index');
const featClass = (item.layerType === 'esriFeature') ?
-1 : elementFeat.getElementsByClassName('av-feature-index')[0].getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value;
// get model for specific layer
let model = $scope.model.layers[indexLayer];
// send the model to generate the config to query the layer
layerService.getLayer(model, parseInt(featClass)).then(data => {
// if it is a dynamic layer, use the index of the layer entry
model = (item.layerType === 'esriFeature') ? model : model.layerEntries[elementFeat.getAttribute('sf-index')];
// make sure table exist on layer object
if (typeof model.table === 'undefined') { model.table = { }; }
// set the columns from the layer field
model.table.columns = => {
// get field type, set number as default
let fieldType = 'number';
if (field.type === 'esriFieldTypeString') { fieldType = 'string'; }
else if (field.type === 'esriFieldTypeDate') { fieldType = 'date'; }
const item = {
'remove': false,
'title': field.alias,
'visible': true,
'searchable': true,
'filter': {
'type': fieldType
return item;
// remove shape column if present, index) => {
if ( === 'SHAPE') { model.table.columns.splice(index, 1) }
// broadcast event to generate accordion
// update columns name with field title
$timeout(() => {
const columnClass = [{ 'cls': 'av-layers', 'ind': indexLayer }];
// if dynamic, set layer entry info
if (item.layerType === 'esriDynamic') {
columnClass.push({ 'cls': 'av-layerEntries', 'ind': elementFeat.getAttribute('sf-index') });
// update columns
columnClass.push({ 'cls': 'av-columns', 'ind': -1 });
self.formService.initValueToFormIndex(model.table.columns, columnClass, 'title', 'legend.0');
// FIXME: remove hidden class. This clss is there because we can't use strartempty: true on columns array
// ASF throws an error. So we start with one undefined element with hidden class then update the array
// and remove the class
const element = (featClass === -1) ? elementDyn : elementFeat;
}, constants.delayUpdateColumns);
function validateLegend(event) {
const help = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.schema-form-fieldset')[0]
try {
// set class and message
help.innerHTML = $translate.instant('');
} catch (e) {
// set class
// set message
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
help.innerHTML = e;
} else {
help.innerHTML = e;
function setDefaultStructureLegend() {
// FIXME: this is a workaround to parse the legend string to JSON objects
$timeout(() => {
$scope.model.legend.root = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse('{\"name\": \"root\", \"children\": []}'), null, 4);
}, 1000);
function setForm() {
const scope = $scope;
return [
{ 'type': 'tabs', 'tabs': [
{ 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'tileSchemas', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'onChange': () => { self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['tileSchemas', 'id'], 'tileId'); }, 'notitle': true, 'add': $translate.instant('button.add'), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'tileSchemas[].id', 'onChange': () => { debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['tileSchemas', 'id'], 'tileId'), constants.debInput, false); } },
{ 'key': 'tileSchemas[].name' },
'key': 'tileSchemas[].extentSetId',
'type': 'dynamic-select',
'optionData': 'extentId',
'model': 'extentSetId',
'array': true
}, {
'key': 'tileSchemas[].lodSetId',
'type': 'dynamic-select',
'optionData': 'lodId',
'model': 'lodSetId',
'array': true
}, {
'key': 'tileSchemas[].overviewUrl'
] }
] },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'type': 'template', 'template': addSetExtent('extentdefault'), 'setExtent': () => { self.formService.setExtent('default', $scope.model.extentSets); } },
{ 'type': 'template', 'template': addSetExtent('extentfull'), 'setExtent': () => { self.formService.setExtent('full', $scope.model.extentSets); } },
{ 'type': 'template', 'template': addSetExtent('extentmax'), 'setExtent': () => { self.formService.setExtent('maximum', $scope.model.extentSets); } },
{ 'key': 'extentSets', 'onChange': () => { self.formService.updateLinkValues(scope, ['extentSets', 'id'], 'extentId'); }, 'notitle': true, 'add': $translate.instant('button.add'), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].id', 'onChange': () => { debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.updateLinkValues(scope, ['extentSets', 'id'], 'extentId'), constants.debInput, false); } },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'row', 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].spatialReference.wkid' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].spatialReference.vcsWkid' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].spatialReference.latestWkid' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].spatialReference.latestVcsWkid' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].spatialReference.wkt' }
] }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'row', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].default', 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].default.xmin' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].default.ymin' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].default.xmax' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].default.ymax' }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'row', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].full', 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].full.xmin' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].full.ymin' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].full.xmax' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].full.ymax' }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'row', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].maximum', 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].maximum.xmin' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].maximum.ymin' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].maximum.xmax' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-3', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'extentSets[].maximum.ymax' }
] }
] }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'lodSets', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'onChange': () => { self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['lodSets', 'id'], 'lodId'); }, 'notitle': true, 'add': $translate.instant('button.add'), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'lodSets[].id', 'onChange': () => { debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['lodSets', 'id'], 'lodId'), constants.debInput, false); } },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'row', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'lodSets[].lods', 'add': $translate.instant('button.add'), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'row', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'lodSets[].lods[].level', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2 av-check-left' },
{ 'key': 'lodSets[].lods[].resolution', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2 av-check-left' },
{ 'key': 'lodSets[].lods[].scale', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2 av-check-left' }
] }
] }
] }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'components', 'notitle': true, 'items': [
{ 'key': 'components.mouseInfo', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'components.mouseInfo.enabled', 'htmlClass': 'accordion-content' },
{ 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<h5>' + $translate.instant('') + '<h5>' },
{ 'key': 'components.mouseInfo.spatialReference', 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'row', 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'components.mouseInfo.spatialReference.wkid' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'components.mouseInfo.spatialReference.vcsWkid' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'components.mouseInfo.spatialReference.latestWkid' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'components.mouseInfo.spatialReference.latestVcsWkid' }
] },
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'col-xs-2', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'components.mouseInfo.spatialReference.wkt' }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'key': 'components.northArrow' },
{ 'key': 'components.scaleBar' },
{ 'key': 'components.overviewMap' }
] },
{ 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
'key': 'initialBasemapId',
'type': 'dynamic-select',
'optionData': 'initBaseId',
'model': 'initialBasemapId',
'array': false,
'notitle': true
] },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-all av-baseMaps', 'startEmpty': true, 'onChange': () => { self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['baseMaps', 'id'], 'initBaseId'); events.$broadcast(events.avNewItems); }, 'add': $translate.instant('button.add'), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<div class="av-drag-handle"></div>' },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-baseMap', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[]', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'notitle': true, 'items': [
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].id', 'onChange': () => { debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['baseMaps', 'id'], 'initBaseId'), constants.debInput, false); } },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].name', 'targetLink': 'legend.0', 'targetParent': 'av-accordion-toggle', 'default': $translate.instant(''), 'onChange': debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.copyValueToFormIndex, constants.debInput, false) },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].description' },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].typeSummary' },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].altText' },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].thumbnailUrl' },
'key': 'baseMaps[].tileSchemaId',
'type': 'dynamic-select',
'optionData': 'tileId',
'model': 'tileSchemaId',
'array': true
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].layers', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].layers[].id' },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].layers[].layerType' },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].layers[].url' }
] },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].attribution', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'notitle': true, 'items': [
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].attribution.text' },
{ 'key': 'baseMaps[].attribution.logo' }
] }
] }
] }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<div class="help-block">' + $translate.instant('') + '<div>' },
{ 'key': 'layers', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-all av-layers', 'startEmpty': true, 'onChange': () => { events.$broadcast(events.avNewItems) }, 'add': $translate.instant('button.add'), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<div class="av-drag-handle"></div>' },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-layer', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'key': 'layers[]', 'htmlClass': `av-accordion-content`, 'notitle': true, 'items': [
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerChoice', 'type': 'select', 'targetElement': ['layers', 'layerType'], 'targetParent': 'av-accordion-content', 'onChange': (model, item) => self.formService.copyValueToModelIndex(model, item, $scope.model) },
{ 'key': 'layers[].id', 'onChange': () => { debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.updateLinkValues($scope, ['layers', 'id'], 'initLayerId', 'avLayersIdUpdate'), constants.debInput, false); } },
{ 'key': 'layers[].name', 'targetLink': 'legend.0', 'targetParent': 'av-accordion-toggle', 'default': $translate.instant(''), 'onChange': debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.copyValueToFormIndex, constants.debInput, false) },
{ 'key': 'layers[].url' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].metadataUrl' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].catalogUrl' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerType', 'readonly': true },
{ 'key': 'layers[].toggleSymbology', 'condition': 'model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'esriFeature\' || model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'esriDynamic\'' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].tolerance', 'condition': 'model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'esriFeature\' || model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'esriDynamic\'' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-all av-layerEntries', 'condition': 'model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'esriDynamic\'', 'startEmpty': true, 'items': [
{ 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<div class="av-drag-handle"></div>' },
// fields with condition doesn't work inside nested array, it appears only in the first element. We will use condition on group and duplicate them
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-layerEntry', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].index', 'htmlClass': 'av-feature-index', 'targetLink': 'legend.0', 'targetParent': 'av-accordion-toggle', 'default': $translate.instant(''), 'onChange': debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.copyValueToFormIndex, constants.debInput, false) },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].name' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].outfields' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].stateOnly' },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].controls' },
// We don't set this section because it is internal to the viewer { 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].disabledControls' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].state' }
] }
] },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': setTableSection('layers[].layerEntries[].table', 'esriDynamic') }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-all av-layerEntries', 'condition': 'model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'ogcWms\'', 'startEmpty': true, 'items': [
{ 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<div class="av-drag-handle"></div>' },
// fields with condition doesn't work inside nested array, it appears only in the first element. We will use condition on group and duplicate them
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-layerEntry', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].id', 'targetLink': 'legend.0', 'targetParent': 'av-accordion-toggle', 'default': $translate.instant(''), 'onChange': debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.copyValueToFormIndex, constants.debInput, false) },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].name' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].allStyles' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].currentStyle' },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].controls' },
// We don't set this section because it is internal to the viewer { 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].disabledControls' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].layerEntries[].state' }
] }
] }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'key': 'layers[].singleEntryCollapse', 'condition': 'model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'esriDynamic\'' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].featureInfoMimeType', 'condition': 'model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'ogcWms\'' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].legendMimeType', 'condition': 'model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'ogcWms\'' },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'layers[].controls' },
// We don't set this section because it is internal to the viewer { 'key': 'layers[].disabledControls' },
{ 'key': 'layers[].state' }
] }
] },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'condition': 'model.layers[arrayIndex].layerChoice === \'esriFeature\'', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': setTableSection('layers[].table', 'esriFeature') }
] }
] }
] }
] },
{ 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
'type': "template",
'template': '<legend class="ng-binding">{{}} </legend>',
'name': $translate.instant('')
'type': "template",
'template': '<span ng-click="">{{}}</span><p></p>',
'name': $translate.instant(''),
'link': () => { commonService.clickSubTab(2, 'form.ui.general'); }
{ 'key': 'legend', 'notitle': true, 'items': [
{ 'key': 'legend.legendChoice',
'type': 'select',
'titleMap': [
{ 'value': "autopopulate", 'name': $translate.instant('') },
{ 'value': "structured", 'name': $translate.instant('') }
'copyValueTo': ['legend.type'],
'onChange': setDefaultStructureLegend
{ 'key': 'legend.type', 'readonly': true },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'condition': 'model.legend.legendChoice === \'structured\'', 'items': [
{ 'key': 'legend.root', 'notitle': true, 'htmlClass': 'av-legend-text', 'type': 'textarea' },
{ 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<div class="av-legend-json"></div>' },
{ 'type': 'button', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'onClick': validateLegend }
] }
] }
function setTableSection(model, layerType) {
return [{ 'key': `${model}`, 'notitle': true, 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'key': `${model}.title` },
{ 'key': `${model}.description` },
{ 'key': `${model}.maximize` },
{ 'key': `${model}.search` },
{ 'key': `${model}.applyMap` },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'button', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'layerType': layerType, 'onClick': setColumns },
{ 'key': `${model}.columns`, 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-all av-columns hidden', 'add': null, 'items': [
{ 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<div class="av-drag-handle"></div>' },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'key': `${model}.columns[].title`, 'targetLink': 'legend.0', 'targetParent': 'av-accordion-toggle', 'default': $translate.instant(''), 'onChange': debounceService.registerDebounce(self.formService.copyValueToFormIndex, constants.debInput, false) },
{ 'key': `${model}.columns[].description` },
{ 'key': `${model}.columns[].visible` },
{ 'key': `${model}.columns[].width` },
{ 'key': `${model}.columns[].sort` },
{ 'key': `${model}.columns[].searchable` },
{ 'type': 'fieldset', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-toggle av-collapse', 'title': $translate.instant(''), 'items': [
{ 'type': 'section', 'htmlClass': 'av-accordion-content', 'items': [
{ 'key': `${model}.columns[].filter`, 'notitle': true }
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] }
] }]
function addSetExtent(type) {
return `<md-button class="av-button-square md-raised"
{{ '${type}' | translate }}
<md-tooltip>{{ 'summary.expand' | translate }}</md-tooltip>