The following attributes are defined on the application's DOM node (e.g. <div is="rv-map"></div>
av-langs (example: data-rv-langs='["en-CA", "fr-CA"]'
An array of strings containing language codes which are available for configuration
av-config (data-av-config=["./config/config-authorA.json", "./config/config-authorB.json", "./config/config-full.json"]
An array of string representing configuration template files script to load
av-extensions (example: data-av-extensions='["Airports"]'
An array of string representing extensions files script to load
av-schema (example: data-av-schema="./schemaForm"
Folder where the application will find schema pieces
Note that in the examples, all attributes are prefixed with data-
; although not strictly necessary, this allows your HTML to pass HTML validation.