* @module mdTooltipDirective
* @memberof material.components.tooltip
* @requires $delegate
* @requires $rootElement
* @requires $timeout
* @description
* The `mdTooltipDirective` decorates the vanilla mdTooltip.
* Modifies display logic if touch mode is on.
.decorator('mdTooltipDirective', mdTooltipDirective);
function mdTooltipDirective($delegate, $rootElement, $timeout) {
const mdTooltipDirective = $delegate[0]; // get the vanilla directive
const originalCompile = mdTooltipDirective.compile; // store reference to its compile function
mdTooltipDirective.compile = decorateCompile(originalCompile); // decorate compile function
return ([mdTooltipDirective]);
* Decorates the original tooltip compile functions.
* @function decorateCompile
* @param {Function} originalCompile original compile function
* @return {Function} enhances link function returned by the decorated compile function which modifies display logic if touch mode is on
function decorateCompile(originalCompile) {
return (...args) => {
const originalLink = originalCompile(...args);
// return a decorated link function
return (scope, el, attrs, ctrls) => {
let showTooltipTimeout;
// if touch mode is on - hide the tooltip on touchstart, then show it after 1 second if no touchend or touchcancel event is fired
// did not use native md-delay since we don't want to change the delay for mouse hovers or on focus, just touch.
// md-visible did/does not work for managing the visibility of the tooltip; this may be a bug or the documentation is misleading on its use.
.on('touchstart', () => {
if (isTouch()) {
showTooltipTimeout = $timeout(() => el.removeClass('av-hide'), TOOLTIP_TOUCH_DELAY);
} else {
}).on('touchend touchcancel', () =>
isTouch() ? $timeout.cancel(showTooltipTimeout) : undefined);
* Returns whether touch mode is on, and if it is, ensures the tooltip is hidden.
* @function isTouch
* @private
* @return {Boolean} true iff touch mode is on, false otherwise
function isTouch() {
if ($rootElement.hasClass('av-touch')) {
return true;
return false;
originalLink(scope, el, attrs, ctrls);