* @module avDragHandle
* @memberof app.layout
* @restrict A
* @description drag handle for array drag and drop
* The `avDragHandle`
* https://codepen.io/thgreasi/pen/PGRoRY
* https://jqueryui.com/sortable/#placeholder
.directive('avDragHandle', avDragHandle);
* `avDragHandle` directive body.
* @function avDragHandle
* @param {Object} $compile Angular object
* @param {Object} $timeout Angular object
* @param {Object} events Angular object
* @param {Object} constants the modules whho contains all the constants
* @return {Object} directive body
function avDragHandle($compile, $timeout, events, constants) {
const directive = {
restrict: 'A',
function link(scope, element) {
// when model is updated, we need to recreate the handle
events.$on(events.avSwitchLanguage, () => { setHandle(scope, element, constants.delayHandle); });
events.$on(events.avSchemaUpdate, () => { setHandle(scope, element, constants.delayHandle); });
events.$on(events.avLoadModel, () => { setHandle(scope, element, constants.delayHandle); });
events.$on(events.avNewItems, () => {
setHandle(scope, element, 100);
function setHandle(scope, element, delay) {
// sortOptions on form element doesn't seems to work. As a workaround, we set the sortOptions
// direclty on the element.
// for an array to be sortable, this needs to be present inside the array: { 'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<div class="av-drag-handle"></div>' }
$('.ui-sortable').each((index, item) => {
'handle': 'div>div>.av-drag-handle>md-icon',
'placeholder': 'av-state-highlight',
'tolerance': 'pointer',
'containment': 'parent'
$timeout(() => {
element.find('.av-drag-handle').not(':has(>md-icon)').each((index, element) => {
addIcon($(element), scope);
}, delay);
function addIcon(element, scope) {
// set the proper icon from the collapsible element state
$compile(`<md-icon md-svg-src="editor:drag_handle"
class="ng-scope" role="img" aria-hidden="true"></md-icon>`)(scope));
return directive;