
 * @module modelManager
 * @memberof app.common
 * @description
 * The `modelManager` factory is a service controlling schema and model content.
    .factory('modelManager', modelManager);

function modelManager($timeout, $translate, events, constants, commonService) {

    const service = {

    const _state = {};
    const _form = {};
    const _schema = {};
    const _model = {};

    let _default = {};

    return service;


     * Return the schema as a string to be save
     * @function save
     * @param {Boolean} preview [optional = false] if save is for preview
     * @return {String} the schema as a string to be save
    function save(preview = false) {
        // loop schemas to get model values
        const models = { };
        constants.schemas.forEach(schema => {
            const name = schema.split('.')[0];
            models[name] = getModel(name, false);

        // version and language are one item model so we have to recreate the string
        models.version = models.version.version;
        models.language = models.language.language;

        // FIXME: this is a workaround to parse the legend string to JSON objects
        // and set it back to string after save/preview
        let root =;
        if (typeof root === 'string') {
   = JSON.parse(root);
        $timeout(() => {
   = JSON.stringify(, null, 4);
        }, 1000);

        // remove $$haskkey from model
        let cleanModels = commonService.parseJSON(models);

        modifyPropNames(cleanModels, 'SAVE');

        // return the config as a string
        return JSON.stringify(cleanModels);

     * Delete colunms for a particular layer
     * @function deleteColumns
     * @private
     * @param {Object} entry model (layer) to clean
     * @return {Object} entry the clean entry with removed columns
    function deleteColumns(entry) {
        // if there is table and columns define, remove the one with remove = true
        if (typeof entry.table !== 'undefined' && typeof entry.table.columns !== 'undefined') {
            entry.table.columns = entry.table.columns.filter(item => !item.remove);

        return entry;

     * Set initial schema
     * @function setSchema
     * @param {String} modelName the model/form name to set schema for
     * @param {Object} schema the schema JSON object
     * @param {String} lang the language to set
    function setSchema(modelName, schema, lang) {
        if (!_schema[lang]) {
            _schema[lang] = {};
        _schema[lang][modelName] = schema;

     * Get the schema for a model/form
     * @function getSchema
     * @param {String} modelName the model/form name to get schema for
     * @return {String}          the schema
    function getSchema(modelName) {
        return _schema[commonService.getLang()][modelName];

     * Set all the models when user load an existing config file
     * @function setModels
     * @param {Object} models all the models loaded from the configuration file in JSON
    function setModels(models) {
        $.each(models, (k, v) => { _model[k] = v; });

        // broadcast event so form can update themselves

     * Get a model
     * @function getSchema
     * @param {String} modelName the model/form name to get model for
     * @param {String} newModel optional: true if it is a new model so we apply default
     * @return {Object}          the model
    function getModel(modelName, newModel = true) {
        // if it is a new model, we apply default configuration value
        // check if it is only a string (version and language) and return default values
        // it is { map: {..}, version: "en-ca" } we need to set it { map: {..}, version: { version: "en-ca" } }
        _model[modelName] = (newModel) ? applyDefault(modelName, {}) :
            (typeof _model[modelName] !== 'string') ? _model[modelName] : { [modelName]: _model[modelName] };

        modifyPropNames(_model, 'LOAD');

        return _model[modelName];

     * Update model after avLoadModel events
     * @function updateModel
     * @param {Object} scope controller scope
     * @param {String} modelName the model/form name to update model
    function updateModel(scope, modelName) {
        scope.model = getModel(modelName, false);

        modifyPropNames(scope.model, 'LOAD');

        // TODO: when summary panel will work again, re-enable validation
        // $timeout(() => { validateModel(modelName, scope.activeForm); }, 1000);

     * modify properties name entitled 'value'
     * 'value' has specific meaning for Angular Schema Form
     * @function modifyPropNames
     * @param {Object} model model
     * @param {String} mode mode 'LOAD'|'SAVE'
    function modifyPropNames(model, mode) {

        // For the moment just some 'value' properties are modified
        const paths = [['services','export','title'], ['services','export','footnote']];

        const propNames = { LOAD: ['value', 'value'], SAVE: ['titleValue', 'footnoteValue']};

        for (let [i, item] of paths.entries()) {
            let obj = commonService.getNested (model, item);
            if (obj !== undefined && obj.hasOwnProperty(propNames[mode][i])) {
                const conv = mode === 'LOAD' ? 'SAVE' : 'LOAD';
                obj[propNames[conv][i]] = obj[propNames[mode][i]];
                delete obj[propNames[mode][i]];

     * Apply default configuration to a model
     * @function applyDefault
     * @private
     * @param {String} modelName the model/form name to apply default on
     * @param {Object} model the model
     * @return {Object}      updated model
    function applyDefault(modelName, model) {
        // get default model values
        const defaultModel = _default[modelName];

        // check if it is only a string (version and language) and return default values
        // it is { map: {..}, version: "en-ca" } we need to set it { map: {..}, version: { version: "en-ca" } }
        const defaults = (typeof defaultModel !== 'string') ?
            $.extend(true, model, _default[modelName]) : { [modelName]: defaultModel };

        return defaults;

     * Set default configuration values to apply on new model
     * @function setDefault
     * @param {Object} defaultValues the default values in JSON
    function setDefault(defaultValues) {
        _default = defaultValues;