* @name debounceService
* @module app.core
* @description debounce JavaScript methods
.factory('debounceService', debounceService);
function debounceService($rootScope, $timeout, $q) {
const service = {
return service;
/** Registers a function for debouncing. If the returned function is executed more than once at intervals less that the detection period, only the first call will go through.
* @function registerDebounce
* @param {Function} fn a function to debounced
* @param {Number} delay optional; detection period for debouncing
* @param {Boolean} before optional; true if the function is trigger before bouncing
* @param {Boolean} skipApply optional; skips triggering a digest cycle
* @private
* @return {Function} a debounced function; execute at will; it will return one promise for each execution of the original function (resolving with its returned data); if the debounced function is called ten times in quick succession making it bounce, it will return the same promise ten times, resolving after the last call;
// article: http://unscriptable.com/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/
function registerDebounce(fn, delay = 175, before = true, skipApply = false) {
let timeoutHandle;
let bouncing = false; // bouncing is true when the function is called during the detection period after the first call
let bouncePromise;
let resolveBouncePromise;
return (...args) => {
if (!bouncing) {
// create a promise every time the function is not bouncing
bouncePromise = $q(resolve =>
(resolveBouncePromise = resolve));
// fire function before bouncing
if (before) { resolveBouncePromise(fn(...args)); }
if (!skipApply) {
$rootScope.$applyAsync(); // applyAsync during the next digest cycle
bouncing = true;
timeoutHandle = $timeout(() => {
// fire function when bouncing is done
if (!before) { resolveBouncePromise(fn(...args)); } // pass any arguments to the registered function
bouncing = false;
}, delay); // stop bouncing
return bouncePromise;