
const iconTemplateUrls = {
    action: require('../../content/svgCache/action.svg'),
    alert: require('../../content/svgCache/alert.svg'),
    communication: require('../../content/svgCache/communication.svg'),
    community: require('../../content/svgCache/community.svg'),
    content: require('../../content/svgCache/content.svg'),
    default: require('../../content/svgCache/default.svg'),
    editor: require('../../content/svgCache/editor.svg'),
    file: require('../../content/svgCache/file.svg'),
    hardware: require('../../content/svgCache/hardware.svg'),
    image: require('../../content/svgCache/image.svg'),
    maps: require('../../content/svgCache/maps.svg'),
    navigation: require('../../content/svgCache/navigation.svg'),
    social: require('../../content/svgCache/social.svg')


 * @memberof app.core
 * @function configBlock
 * @private
 * @param  {Object} $translateProvider Angular object
 * @param  {Object} $mdThemingProvider Angular objec
 * @param  {Object} $mdIconProvider Angular object
 * @param  {Object} $parseProvider Angular object
 * @description
 * The `configBlock` does three things right now:
 * - configure translation provider by prepping static loader (and optionally setting preferred language if we know what it is),
 * - configure theme colours for angular material
function configBlock($translateProvider, $mdThemingProvider, $mdIconProvider, $parseProvider) {


     * Configures the praser provider by adding accented characters as valid identifiers in Angular expressions.
     * This solves the problem with French characters used in datatable field names when they are bound to the template.
     * Potentially, it should work for other languages using accented characters. The condition can be expanded if needed.
     * @function configureParser
    function configureParser() {
        $parseProvider.setIdentifierFns(_isValidIdentifier, _isValidIdentifier);

        // original Angular issue:
        // PR that fixes it
        // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
        function _isValidIdentifier(ch) {
            return ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ||
                    'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ||
                    '_' === ch || ch === '$' ||
                    'à' <= ch && ch <= 'ÿ' ||
                    'À' <= ch && ch <= 'Ÿ' ||
                    'Ç' === ch || ch === 'ç' ||
                    '0' <= ch && ch <= '9'  ||
                    ch === '’');

     * Configure angular translation provider. Set locale files location and file name pattern.
     * @inner
     * @memberof app.core
     * @function
    function configureTranslations() {
        $translateProvider.useLoader('translationService', { action: 'loader' });

     * Set theme colours from material desing colour palette.
     * @inner
     * @memberof app.core
     * @function
    function configureTheme() {

     * Adds svg iconsets to the md icon provider.
     * @inner
     * @memberof app.core
     * @function
    function configureIconsets() {
        // default icon set is needed because some of Angular Material directives have hardcoded svg icon names;
        // radio menu options use `check` icon which can be found in `navigation` icon set; since there is no easy way of overriding the icon name, the default icon set will have duplicates needed by such directives
        // NOTE use the gulp makesvgcache task to add new icons
            .iconSet('action', iconTemplateUrls.action)
            .iconSet('alert', iconTemplateUrls.alert)
            .iconSet('communication', iconTemplateUrls.communication)
            .iconSet('content', iconTemplateUrls.content)
            .iconSet('editor', iconTemplateUrls.editor)
            .iconSet('file', iconTemplateUrls.file)
            .iconSet('hardware', iconTemplateUrls.hardware)
            .iconSet('image', iconTemplateUrls.image)
            .iconSet('maps', iconTemplateUrls.maps)
            .iconSet('navigation', iconTemplateUrls.navigation)
            .iconSet('toggle', iconTemplateUrls.toggle);