
 * @name configDefaults
 * @constant
 * @memberof app.core
 * @description
 * The `configDefaults` constant service provides default configuration values.

    .factory('events', events)
    .constant('translations', AUTOFILLED_TRANSLATIONS)
    .factory('appInfo', appInfo)
    .constant('constants', {
        debInput: 500, // time for debouncing when user enter value
        delayAccordion: 2500,
        delayHandle: 3500,
        delayCollapseLink: 2800,
        delayCollapseHeader: 3000,
        delaySplash: 3500,
        delayEventSplash: 750,
        delayUpdateColumns: 1000,
        delaySetSubTab: 2000,
        delaySetVersion: 2000,
        delayScroll: 100,
        schemas: [
        ], // TODO: add new schema as they come, list as they should appear in the tab menu
        subTabs: {
            map: {
                index: 0,
                keys: ['', 'components', 'baseMaps', 'layers', 'legend']
            ui: {
                index: 1,
                keys: ['form.ui.general', 'appBar', 'form.ui.nav', 'form.ui.sidemenu']
            services: {
                index: 2,
                keys: ['form.service.urls', 'search', 'export']
    }); // TODO: add new tabs and subtabs as they come, tabs and subtabs listed as they should appear in the interface

function events($rootScope) {
    return {
         * A shorthand for $rootScope.$on; no need to inject `$rootScope` separately;
         * @function $on
         * @param {String} eventName event name to listen once
         * @param {Function} listener a callback function to execute
         * @return {Function}         a deregister function
        $on: (...args) =>
        $broadcast: (...args) =>

        avSchemaUpdate: 'avSchemaUpdate', // Fired when there is an update to the state
        avSwitchLanguage: 'avSwitchLanguage', // Fired when there is a language switch
        avLoadModel: 'avLoadModel', // Fired when a user load an existing form
        avNewItems: 'avNewItems', // Fired when a user add a new item inside an array (e.g. layer of layers)
        avValidateForm: 'avValidateForm', // Fired when a user click on validate to validate all forms
        avShowSplash: 'avShowSplash',
        avLayersIdUpdate: 'avLayersIdUpdate', // Fired when layers id is updated. Will be use inside UI model to update table layer id
        avUpdateFocus: 'avUpdateFocus' // Fired when user click on element of summary tree

// Angular services that have no constructors (services that are just plain objects) are __shared__ across app instances
// to have it per instance, the appInfo service needs to have some initialization logic
function appInfo() {
    const service = {
        id: null
        // something else ?

    return service;