Request Signing


All requests which modify the database must be signed. Signing is performed by a pre-shared key between the sender and RCS using the following procedure

SIGNATURE := hmac_sha256( MSG, KEY )
REQUEST_PATH := <the request path including opening '/' as defined in RFC 2396>
SENDER_ID := <pre-shared identifier with RCS>
TIME_STAMP := <ISO 8601 date and time in UTC time zone>
REQUEST_BODY := JSON fragment | ""

Once the signature has been computed it should be encoded in modified base64 ( ) with any padding = characters stripped from the end. The encoded signature should be attached to the HTTP request along with the following custom HTTP headers

Authorization: <signature as encoded above>
TimeStamp: <ISO 8601 date and time, must match the exact text used for signing>
Sender: <pre-shared identifier with RCS>

Once computed, the signature is considered valid for +/- 2 minutes of the time for which it was computed (to account for any potential clock skew between the systems).


Here’s a walkthrough of a possible interaction between GeoCat and RCS. The sample computations are valid and can be used for testing if a client is unavailable.

  1. GeoCat and RCS team pre-share a private key and a client identifier.

  2. RCS stores a mapping between the key and the client id (GeoCat).

  3. GeoCat generates REST request for registering a layer in RCS.



    Request time


    Sender ID


  4. GeoCat computes the message string by concatenating the fragments specified in the Protocol section

    REQUEST_PATH = /v1/register/23ax5t
    SENDER_ID = jstest
    TIME_STAMP = 2014-12-05T18:28:56.714Z
    REQUEST_BODY =  {"version":"1.0.0","payload_type":"wms","en":{"service_url":"","layer":"limits"},"fr":{"service_url":"","layer":"limits"}}

    resulting in

    MSG = /v1/register/23ax5tjstest2014-12-05T18:28:56.714Z{"version":"1.0.0","payload_type":"wms","en":{"service_url":"","layer":"limits"},"fr":{"service_url":"","layer":"limits"}}
  5. GeoCat generates the authorization code using the method described in Protocol

    SIGNATURE = hmac_sha256( <MSG as above>, 'test_-k' )
              = 0xbfa5da41ab32673726fc1cf85bfa797ced706f224a0999c9144b29217c3d7a56
  6. GeoCat encodes the HMAC digest in modified base64

    ENCODED_SIGNATURE = base64_encode( HMAC_DIGEST ).replace('+','-').replace('/','_').replace('=','')
                      = v6XaQasyZzcm_Bz4W_p5fO1wbyJKCZnJFEspIXw9elY
  7. GeoCat appends the HTTP headers

    "Authorization: v6XaQasyZzcm_Bz4W_p5fO1wbyJKCZnJFEspIXw9elY"
    "TimeStamp: 2014-12-05T18:28:56.714Z"
    "Sender: jstest"

    and sends the request (sample request escaped for the Windows command prompt)

    curl -X PUT http://localhost:5000/v1/register/23ax5t
        -H "Authorization: v6XaQasyZzcm_Bz4W_p5fO1wbyJKCZnJFEspIXw9elY"
        -H "TimeStamp: 2014-12-05T18:28:56.714Z"
        -H "Sender: jstest"
        -H "Content-Type: application/json"
        -d {\"version\":\"1.0.0\",\"payload_type\":\"wms\",\"en\":{\"service_url\":\"\",\"layer\":\"limits\"},\"fr\":{\"service_url\":\"\",\"layer\":\"limits\"}}
  8. RCS receives the request

  9. RCS fetches the pre-shared key from the request

    KEY = db_lookup('jstest')
        = 'test_-k'
  10. RCS performs the same signature compuation as GeoCat, generating a reference signature

  11. RCS tests that the reference signature matches the signature in the Authorization header

  12. RCS verifies that the time of request is valid

    assert( -2 min < UTC_NOW - TIME_STAMP < 2 min )
  13. RCS executes the request alternate: if the verification fails then a 401 error is sent back)

Code Example

Here’s a sample code from our Python unit test

key = str(random.randint(100, 1000000))

payload = json.loads('{"version": "1.0.0", "payload_type": "feature", "en": { "service_url": "" }, "fr": { "service_url": "" }}')

#add timeStamp to the put requeset
now = iso8601.iso8601.Utc() )
timeStamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')

# construct msg for signing
msg = '/v1/register/'+key + self.sender + timeStamp + json.dumps(payload)

#generate hash
h = str(self.key), msg, digestmod=hashlib.sha256 )
signature = base64.urlsafe_b64encode( h.digest() ).replace('=','')

# add sender, authroization and timestamp.
headers = {"contentType": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "dataType": "text", "Sender": self.sender, "Authorization": signature, "TimeStamp": timeStamp}

# run put and get response
putResponse = requests.put(self.service + 'v1/register/' + key, json=payload, headers=headers)

# status code should be 201
assert putResponse.status_code == 201