Service Quick Reference ======================= RCS currently exposes 7 REST endpoints. ==================================================== ================================================================== Endpoint Description ==================================================== ================================================================== GET /doc/[lang]/[key] Retrieves a single configuration fragment GET /docs/[lang]/[key]{,[key]}{/[sortarg]} Retrieves multiple configuration fragments, sorted by geometry type if sortarg = sort PUT /register/[key] Stores a configuration fragment DELETE /register/[key] Deletes a configuration fragment PUT /register/refresh/[key] Stores a configuration fragment POST /refresh/[args] Refreshes existing records, use "all" or an integer specifying minimum age POST /upgrade/[key] Upgrades a registered v1 key to a v2 record ==================================================== ================================================================== RCS also has 3 debug endpoints. These are enabled by setting the DEBUG_ENDPOINTS variable to True in ==================================================== ================================================================== Endpoint Description ==================================================== ================================================================== GET /accesslog/[index] Retrieves the RCS access logs. [index] specifies the index of the log file if multiple exist GET /log/[index] Retrieves the error log for the RCS GET /all_keys/[lang] Displays a list of registered keys and their related service, by language ==================================================== ================================================================== *NOTE: deprecated endpoints are not included in the summary* The RAMP client is intended to call the GET driven endpoints for dynamically loading layers. These functions are intended to be extensible and also allow for the retrieval of generic configuration as well. The data catalogue is intended to call the PUT, POST and DELETE endpoints for storing data. Currently registration will accept ESRI feature service endpoints and WMS endpoints. More details are available on the :ref:`contract` page.