'use strict';
const attribRecord = require('./attribRecord.js')();
const shared = require('./shared.js')();
const placeholderFC = require('./placeholderFC.js')();
const layerInterface = require('./layerInterface.js')();
const dynamicFC = require('./dynamicFC.js')();
const attribFC = require('./attribFC.js')();
* @class DynamicRecord
class DynamicRecord extends attribRecord.AttribRecord {
// TODO are we still using passthrough stuff?
get _layerPassthroughBindings () {
return ['setOpacity', 'setVisibility', 'setVisibleLayers', 'setLayerDrawingOptions'];
get _layerPassthroughProperties () {
return ['visibleAtMapScale', 'visible', 'spatialReference', 'layerInfos', 'supportsDynamicLayers'];
get layerType () { return shared.clientLayerType.ESRI_DYNAMIC; }
get isTrueDynamic () { return this._isTrueDynamic; }
* Create a layer record with the appropriate geoApi layer type.
* Regarding configuration -- in the standard case, the incoming config object
* will be incomplete with regards to child state. It may not even have entries for all possible
* child sub-layers. Given our config defaulting for children happens AFTER the layer loads,
* it means what is passed in at the constructor is generally unreliable except for any child names,
* and the class will treat that information as unreliable (the UI will set values after config defaulting
* happens). In the rare case where the config is fully formed and we want to take advantage of that,
* set the configIsComplete param to true. Be aware that if the config is not actually complete you may
* get a layer in an undesired initial state.
* @param {Object} layerClass the ESRI api object for dynamic layers
* @param {Object} esriRequest the ESRI api object for making web requests with proxy support
* @param {Object} apiRef object pointing to the geoApi. allows us to call other geoApi functions
* @param {Object} config layer config values
* @param {Object} esriLayer an optional pre-constructed layer
* @param {Function} epsgLookup an optional lookup function for EPSG codes (see geoService for signature)
* @param {Boolean} configIsComplete an optional flag to indicate if the config is fully flushed out (i.e. things defined for all children). Defaults to false.
constructor (layerClass, esriRequest, apiRef, config, esriLayer, epsgLookup, configIsComplete = false) {
// TODO might need some nonsense here. if not configIsComplete, and layer is set to visible in config,
// we may need to hack the process so that the esri layer object is initialized as invisible,
// but the config is still marked as visible so the UI knows to do the proper defaulting.
// As is right now, the layer might start to pull an image from the server while our onLoad
// event handler is running and shutting off visibilities.
super(layerClass, esriRequest, apiRef, config, esriLayer, epsgLookup);
this.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer = layerClass;
this._configIsComplete = configIsComplete;
// TODO what is the case where we have dynamic layer already prepared
// and passed in? Generally this only applies to file layers (which
// are feature layers).
this._proxies = {};
// marks if layer supports dynamic capabilities, like child opacity, renderer change, layer reorder
// TODO ensure false is best default (what is better for UI)
this._isTrueDynamic = false;
* Return a proxy interface for a child layer
* @param {Integer} featureIdx index of child entry (leaf or group)
* @return {Object} proxy interface for given child
getChildProxy (featureIdx) {
// TODO verify we have integer coming in and not a string
// NOTE we no longer have group proxies. Since it is possible for a proxy to
// be requested prior to a dynamic layer being loaded (and thus have no
// idea of the index is valid or the index is a group), we always give
// a proxy and depend on the caller to be smart about it.
const strIdx = featureIdx.toString();
if (this._proxies[strIdx]) {
return this._proxies[strIdx];
} else {
// throw new Error(`attempt to get non-existing child proxy. Index ${featureIdx}`);
// to handle the case of a structured legend needing a proxy for a child prior to the
// layer loading, we treat an unknown proxy request as that case and return
// a proxy loaded with a placeholder.
// TODO how to pass in a name? add an optional second parameter? expose a "set name" on the proxy?
const pfc = new placeholderFC.PlaceholderFC(this, '');
const tProxy = new layerInterface.LayerInterface(pfc);
this._proxies[strIdx] = tProxy;
return tProxy;
// TODO docs
getFeatureCount (featureIdx) {
// point url to sub-index we want
// TODO might change how we manage index and url
return super.getFeatureCount(this._layer.url + '/' + featureIdx);
* Triggers when the layer loads.
* @function onLoad
onLoad () {
this._isTrueDynamic = this._layer.supportsDynamicLayers;
// don't worry about structured legend. the legend part is separate from
// the layers part. we just load what we are told to. the legend module
// will handle the structured part.
// NOTE for now, the only relevant properties to be propagated
// from parent to child are .state and .controls .
// .outfields does not make sense as chilren can have different fields.
// We assume the objects at the layer level (index -1) are fully defaulted.
// All other missing items assigned from parent item.
// collate any relevant overrides from the config.
const subConfigs = {};
this.config.layerEntries.forEach(le => {
subConfigs[le.index.toString()] = {
config: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(le)),
defaulted: this._configIsComplete
// subfunction to return a subconfig object.
// if it does not exist or is not defaulted, will do that first
// id param is an integer in string format
const fetchSubConfig = (id, serverName = '') => {
// snapshot and bounding box don't apply to child layers
const dummyState = {
opacity: 1,
visibility: false,
query: false
if (subConfigs[id]) {
const subC = subConfigs[id];
if (!subC.defaulted) {
// config is incomplete, fill in blanks
// we will never hit this code block a complete config was passed in
// (because it will already have defaulted === true).
// that means our state is unreliable and will be overwritten with a default
subC.config.state = Object.assign({}, dummyState);
// default outfields if not already there
if (!subC.config.hasOwnProperty('outfields')) {
subC.config.outfields = '*';
// apply a server name if no name exists
if (!subC.config.name) {
subC.config.name = serverName;
// mark as defaulted so we don't do this again
subC.defaulted = true;
return subC.config;
} else {
// no config at all. we apply defaults, and a name from the server if available
const newConfig = {
name: serverName,
state: Object.assign({}, dummyState),
outfields: '*',
index: parseInt(id),
stateOnly: true
subConfigs[id] = {
config: newConfig,
defaulted: true
return newConfig;
// this subfunction will recursively crawl a dynamic layerInfo structure.
// it will generate proxy objects for all groups and leafs under the
// input layerInfo.
// we also generate a tree structure of layerInfos that is in a format
// that makes the client happy
const processLayerInfo = (layerInfo, treeArray) => {
const sId = layerInfo.id.toString();
const subC = fetchSubConfig(sId, layerInfo.name);
if (layerInfo.subLayerIds && layerInfo.subLayerIds.length > 0) {
// group sublayer
const treeGroup = {
entryIndex: layerInfo.id,
name: subC.name,
childs: []
// process the kids in the group.
// store the child leaves in the internal variable
layerInfo.subLayerIds.forEach(slid => {
processLayerInfo(this._layer.layerInfos[slid], treeGroup.childs);
} else {
// leaf
const pfc = new placeholderFC.PlaceholderFC(this, subC.name);
if (this._proxies[sId]) {
// we have a pre-made proxy (structured legend). update it.
} else {
// set up new proxy
const leafProxy = new layerInterface.LayerInterface(null);
this._proxies[sId] = leafProxy;
treeArray.push({ entryIndex: layerInfo.id });
this._childTree = []; // public structure describing the tree
// process the child layers our config is interested in, and all their children.
if (this.config.layerEntries) {
this.config.layerEntries.forEach(le => {
if (!le.stateOnly) {
processLayerInfo(this._layer.layerInfos[le.index], this._childTree);
// trigger attribute load and set up children bundles.
// do we need an options object, with .skip set for sub-layers we are not dealing with?
// Alternate: add new option that is opposite of .skip. Will be more of a
// .only, and we won't have to derive a "skip" set from our inclusive
// list
// Furthermore: skipping / being effecient might not really matter here anymore.
// back in the day, loadLayerAttribs would actually load everything.
// now it just sets up promises that dont trigger until someone asks for
// the information. <-- for now we are doing this approach.
const attributeBundle = this._apiRef.attribs.loadLayerAttribs(this._layer);
// converts server layer type string to client layer type string
const serverLayerTypeToClientLayerType = serverType => {
switch (serverType) {
case 'Feature Layer':
return shared.clientLayerType.ESRI_FEATURE;
case 'Raster Layer':
return shared.clientLayerType.ESRI_RASTER;
console.warn('Unexpected layer type in serverLayerTypeToClientLayerType', serverType);
return shared.clientLayerType.UNKNOWN;
// idx is a string
attributeBundle.indexes.forEach(idx => {
// if we don't have a defaulted sub-config, it means the attribute leaf is not present
// in our visible tree structure.
const subC = subConfigs[idx];
if (subC && subC.defaulted) {
// TODO need to worry about Raster Layers here. DynamicFC is based off of
// attribute things.
const dFC = new dynamicFC.DynamicFC(this, idx, attributeBundle[idx], subC.config);
this._featClasses[idx] = dFC;
// if we have a proxy watching this leaf, replace its placeholder with the real data
const leafProxy = this._proxies[idx];
if (leafProxy) {
// load real symbols into our source
// update asynchronous values
.then(ld => {
dFC.layerType = serverLayerTypeToClientLayerType(ld.layerType);
// skip a number of things if it is a raster layer
if (dFC.layerType === shared.clientLayerType.ESRI_FEATURE) {
dFC.geomType = ld.geometryType;
this.getFeatureCount(idx).then(fc => {
dFC.featureCount = fc;
.catch(() => {
dFC.layerType = shared.clientLayerType.UNRESOLVED;
// TODO careful now, as the dynamicFC.DynamicFC constructor also appears to be setting visibility on the parent.
if (this._configIsComplete) {
// if we have a complete config, want to set layer visibility
// get an array of leaf ids that are visible.
// use _featClasses as it contains keys that exist on the server and are
// potentially visible in the client.
const initVis = Object.keys(this._featClasses)
.filter(fcId => {return fetchSubConfig(fcId).config.state.visibility; })
.map(fcId => { return parseInt(fcId); });
if (initVis.length === 0) {
initVis.push(-1); // esri code for set all to invisible
} else {
// default configuration for non-complete config.
// override to add child index parameter
zoomToScale (childIdx, map, lods, zoomIn, zoomGraphic = false) {
// get scale set from child, then execute zoom
return this._featClasses[childIdx].getScaleSet().then(scaleSet => {
return this._zoomToScaleSet(map, lods, zoomIn, scaleSet, zoomGraphic);
isOffScale (childIdx, mapScale) {
return this._featClasses[childIdx].isOffScale(mapScale);
isQueryable (childIdx) {
return this._featClasses[childIdx].queryable;
// TODO if we need this back, may need to implement as getChildGeomType.
// appears this ovverrides the LayerRecord.getGeomType function, which returns
// undefined, and that is what we want on the DynamicRecord level (as dynamic layer)
// has no geometry.
// Currently, all child requests for geometry go through the proxy,
// so could be this child-targeting version is irrelevant.
getGeomType (childIdx) {
return this._featClasses[childIdx].geomType;
getChildTree () {
if (this._childTree) {
return this._childTree;
} else {
throw new Error('Called getChildTree before layer is loaded');
* Get the best user-friendly name of a field. Uses alias if alias is defined, else uses the system attribute name.
* @param {String} attribName the attribute name we want a nice name for
* @param {String} childIndex index of the child layer whos attributes we are looking at
* @return {Promise} resolves to the best available user friendly attribute name
aliasedFieldName (attribName, childIndex) {
return this._featClasses[childIndex].aliasedFieldName(attribName);
* Retrieves attributes from a layer for a specified feature index
* @param {String} childIndex index of the child layer to get attributes for
* @return {Promise} promise resolving with formatted attributes to be consumed by the datagrid and esri feature identify
getFormattedAttributes (childIndex) {
return this._featClasses[childIndex].getFormattedAttributes();
* Check to see if the attribute in question is an esriFieldTypeDate type.
* @param {String} attribName the attribute name we want to check if it's a date or not
* @param {String} childIndex index of the child layer whos attributes we are looking at
* @return {Promise} resolves to true or false based on the attribName type being esriFieldTypeDate
checkDateType (attribName, childIndex) {
return this._featClasses[childIndex].checkDateType(attribName);
* Returns attribute data for a child layer.
* @function getAttribs
* @param {String} childIndex the index of the child layer
* @returns {Promise} resolves with a layer attribute data object
getAttribs (childIndex) {
return this._featClasses[childIndex].getAttribs();
* Returns layer-specific data for a child layer
* @function getLayerData
* @param {String} childIndex the index of the child layer
* @returns {Promise} resolves with a layer data object
getLayerData (childIndex) {
return this._featClasses[childIndex].getLayerData();
getFeatureName (childIndex, objId, attribs) {
return this._featClasses[childIndex].getFeatureName(objId, attribs);
getSymbology (childIndex) {
return this._featClasses[childIndex].symbology;
* Run a query on a dynamic layer, return the result as a promise.
* @function identify
* @param {Object} opts additional argumets like map object, clickEvent, etc.
* @returns {Object} an object with identify results array and identify promise resolving when identify is complete; if an empty object is returned, it will be skipped
identify (opts) {
// TODO caller must pass in layer ids to interrogate. geoApi wont know what is toggled in the legend.
// param is opts.layerIds, array of integer for every leaf to interrogate.
// TODO add full documentation for options parameter
// bundles results from all leaf layers
const identifyResults = [];
// create an results object for every leaf layer we are inspecting
opts.layerIds.forEach(leafIndex => {
// TODO fix these params
// TODO legendEntry.name, legendEntry.symbology appear to be fast links to populate the left side of the results
// view. perhaps it should not be in this object anymore?
// TODO see how the client is consuming the internal pointer to layerRecord. this may also now be
// directly available via the legend object.
const identifyResult =
new shared.IdentifyResult('legendEntry.name', 'legendEntry.symbology', 'EsriFeature', this,
leafIndex, 'legendEntry.master.name'); // provide name of the master group as caption
identifyResults[leafIndex] = identifyResult;
opts.tolerance = this.clickTolerance;
const identifyPromise = this._apiRef.layer.serverLayerIdentify(this._layer, opts)
.then(clickResults => {
const hitIndexes = []; // sublayers that we got results for
// transform attributes of click results into {name,data} objects
// one object per identified feature
// each feature will have its attributes converted into a table
// placeholder for now until we figure out how to signal the panel that
// we want to make a nice table
clickResults.forEach(ele => {
// NOTE: the identify service returns aliased field names, so no need to look them up here.
// however, this means we need to un-alias the data when doing field lookups.
// NOTE: ele.layerId is what we would call featureIdx
// get metadata about this sublayer
this.getLayerData(ele.layerId).then(lData => {
const identifyResult = identifyResults[ele.layerId];
if (lData.supportsFeatures) {
const unAliasAtt = attribFC.AttribFC.unAliasAttribs(ele.feature.attributes, lData.fields);
// TODO traditionally, we did not pass fields into attributesToDetails as data was
// already aliased from the server. now, since we are extracting field type as
// well, this means things like date formatting might not be applied to
// identify results. examine the impact of providing the fields parameter
// to data that is already aliased.
name: ele.value,
data: this.attributesToDetails(ele.feature.attributes),
oid: unAliasAtt[lData.oidField],
symbology: [{
svgcode: this._apiRef.symbology.getGraphicIcon(unAliasAtt, lData.renderer)
identifyResult.isLoading = false;
// set the rest of the entries to loading false
identifyResults.forEach(identifyResult => {
if (hitIndexes.indexOf(identifyResult.requester.featureIdx) === -1) {
identifyResult.isLoading = false;
return {
identifyResults: identifyResults.filter(identifyResult => identifyResult), // collapse sparse array
// TODO docs
getChildName (index) {
// TODO revisit logic. is this the best way to do this? what are the needs of the consuming code?
// TODO restructure so WMS can use this too?
// will not use FC classes, as we also need group names
return this._layer.layerInfos[index].name;
module.exports = () => ({